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").removeClass("yt").addClass("vimeo"); $(".nav",context).removeClass("yt"); player = new Vimeo.Player($(".video div",context)[0], { id : dataArray[0], autoplay : autoplay, controls : false, transparent : false, playsinline : true }); player.playerType="vimeo"; player.on("timeupdate", vimeoTimeUpdate); player.on("ended", vimeoEnded); player.on("progress", vimeoProgress); player.on("loaded", onLoaded); player.on("play", hideLoading); playerTimer = setInterval(vimeoStatusUpdate,100); player.thumbs=dataArray[1]; if(isMuted){ player.setVolume(0); } else{ player.setVolume(vimeoVolumeLevel); } renderVimeoTextTracks(); initThumbs(); bindControls(); showPlayer(); }, setSubtitleLanguage=()=>{ let currentLang = getCookie("language"); $(".nav .subtitle li", context).removeClass("active"); if(getCookie("language")!=="en"){ player.enableTextTrack(getCookie("language")); $(".nav .subtitle li[data-language=" + currentLang + "]",context).addClass("active"); }else{ player.disableTextTrack(); $(".nav .subtitle li[data-language='']",context).addClass("active"); } }, renderVimeoTextTracks=()=>{ $(".nav",context).removeClass("subtitle"); $(".nav .subtitle ul",context).html(""); player.getTextTracks().then(data=>{ if(data.length>0){ $(".nav",context).addClass("subtitle"); //create 'None' language in text tracks list // data.push({ data.unshift({ label: "NO SUBTITLES", language: "", mode : data.filter(e=>{return e.mode=="showing"}).length==0 ? "showing" : "none" }); data.forEach(e=>{ $(".nav .subtitle ul",context).append(`
  • ${e.label}
  • `); }); $(".nav .subtitle li",context).click(subtitleLanguageClickHandler); //Remove English Auto generated text if($('li[data-language="en-x-autogen"]').length !== 0){ var autoGen = $('li[data-language="en-x-autogen"]')[0].innerHTML.split(" ")[0]; $('li[data-language="en-x-autogen"]').html(autoGen); } $(".nav .subtitle",context).css("display", "block"); }else{ $(".nav .subtitle",context).css("display", "none"); } setSubtitleLanguage(); }); }, subtitleClickHandler=e=>{ $(".nav .subtitle ul",context).toggle(); }, subtitleLanguageClickHandler=e=>{ if(e.currentTarget.dataset.language.length>0) player.enableTextTrack(e.currentTarget.dataset.language); else player.disableTextTrack(); $(".nav .subtitle li", context).removeClass("active"); $(".nav .subtitle ul",context).toggle(); subtitleClickHandler(); $(e.currentTarget).addClass("active"); }, vimeoTimeUpdate=(e)=>{ updatePosition(e.percent); updateTime(e.duration - e.seconds); }, vimeoStatusUpdate=()=>{ player.getPaused().then(paused=>{ if(paused){ $(context).removeClass("playing"); } else{ hideLoading(); $(context).addClass("playing"); $(context).addClass("show"); } }); }, vimeoEnded=()=>{ if(assets==undefined) vimeoRestart(); else playNext(); }, vimeoProgress=e=>{ $(".nav .loaded",context).width((e.percent * 100) + "%"); }, vimeoRestart=()=>{ player.setCurrentTime(0); resetControls(); showBigPlay(); }, updateLabels=(asset)=>{ $(".name",context).html(asset.Name?.toUpperCase()); $(".description",context).html(asset?.Content); $(".sub",context).html(asset?.Var2); $(window).resize(); }, updatePosition=(percent)=>{ $(".seek .position",context).width((percent * 100) + "%"); }, updateTime=seconds=>{ if(seconds { return { minutes : Math.floor(seconds / 60), seconds : seconds % 60 }; }, getTimeText=seconds=>{ var time=getTime(seconds); return time.minutes + ":" + Math.floor(time.seconds).toString().padStart(2,"0"); }, bigPlayTimer = 0, playPauseMorph=()=>{ var tl = new TimelineMax(); var playR = $(".playR",context), playL = $(".playL",context), pauseR = $(".pauseR",context), pauseL = $(".pauseL",context); showBigPlay(); hideClickPlay(); tl .to(playL, 0.5, {morphSVG:{shape: pauseL,shapeIndex:4},delay:0.5}) .to(playR, 0.5, {morphSVG:{shape:pauseR,shapeIndex:4},delay:0.5},0); $(".play.bigPlay .arrow",context).show(); $(".play.bigPlay .pause",context).hide(); setTimeout(()=>{ hideBigPlay(); bigPlayTimer=1500; }, bigPlayTimer); }, pausePlayMorph=()=>{ var tl = new TimelineMax(); var playR = $(".playR",context), playL = $(".playL",context), pauseR = $(".pauseR",context), pauseL = $(".pauseL",context); playLRef= $(".playLRef",context); playRRef= $(".playRRef",context); showBigPlay(); tl .to(playL, 0.5, {morphSVG:{shape: playLRef,shapeIndex:4}, delay:0.5}) .to(playR, 0.5, {morphSVG:{shape:playRRef,shapeIndex:4},delay:0.5},0); $(".play.bigPlay .arrow",context).hide(); $(".play.bigPlay .pause",context).show(); setTimeout(()=>{ hideBigPlay(); }, 1500); }, resetMorph=()=>{ var tl = new TimelineMax(); var playR = $(".playR"), playL = $(".playL"), pauseR = $(".pauseR"), pauseL = $(".pauseL"); playLRef= $(".playLRef"); playRRef= $(".playRRef"); tl .to(playL, 0.5, {morphSVG:{shape: playLRef,shapeIndex:4}, delay:0.5}) .to(playR, 0.5, {morphSVG:{shape:playRRef,shapeIndex:4},delay:0.5},0); }, playPause=()=>{ $(".nav .subtitle ul",context).css("display", "none"); if(!autoplay){ stopAllVideos(); } if(player.playerType=="vimeo"){ player.getPaused().then(paused=>{ if(paused){ player.play(); // hideBigPlay(); playPauseMorph(); $(".frame .poster",context).hide(); // clearPoster(); } else{ player.pause(); // showBigPlay(); pausePlayMorph(); } }); } else{ if(player.getPlayerState() == 1){ player.pauseVideo(); $(context).removeClass("playing"); // showBigPlay(); pausePlayMorph(); } else{ $(context).addClass("show"); $(context).addClass("playing"); $(".frame .poster",context).hide(); player.playVideo(); // hideBigPlay(); playPauseMorph() } } }, stopAllVideos=()=>{ // Find all Vimeo iframes var vimeoFrames = document.querySelectorAll(".video.vimeo"); // Loop through each YouTube iframe and create a player instance if(youTubePlayers.length>=1){ youTubePlayers.forEach(function(p) { p.pauseVideo(); }) } if (vimeoFrames.length>=1){ // Loop through each Vimeo iframe and create a player instance vimeoFrames.forEach(function(frame) { var player = new Vimeo.Player(frame); player.getPaused().then(paused=>{ if(!paused){ // Stop Vimeo playback player.pause(); } }) }); } resetMorph(); }, addVolumeControl=()=>{ $( ".slider-vertical",context).slider({ orientation: "vertical", range: "min", min: 0, max: 100, value: 60, slide: function(e, ui) { // volumeLevel = ui.value/100; volumeLevel = ui.value; // player.setVolume(volumeLevel/100); vimeoVolumeLevel = volumeLevel/100; if(player.playerType=="vimeo"){ player.setVolume(vimeoVolumeLevel); if(vimeoVolumeLevel == 0){ setMuted(); }else{ volumeUnmute(); } }else{ player.setVolume(volumeLevel); if(volumeLevel == 0){ setMuted(); }else{ volumeUnmute(); } } } }); }, volumeUnmute=()=>{ if(player.playerType=="vimeo"){ player.getVolume().then(vol=>{ player.setVolume(vimeoVolumeLevel); $(".nav .mute",context).removeClass("muted"); }); } else{ player.unMute(); $(".nav .mute",context).removeClass("muted"); $(".player .nav.yt .ui-slider-vertical .ui-slider-range-min",context).height(volumeLevel + "%"); player.setVolume(volumeLevel); } }, volume=()=>{ $( ".volume" ,context).addClass("volumeSlider"); $(".nav .volumeControls" ,context).on("mouseout", function(){ hideVolume(); }) }, hideVolume=()=>{ $( ".volume" ,context ).removeClass("volumeSlider"); }, isMuted = false, setMuted=()=>{ $(".nav .mute",context).addClass("muted"); $(".slider-vertical" ,context).slider({value: 0}); isMuted = true }, clearMuted=()=>{ $(".nav .mute",context).removeClass("muted"); // $(".slider-vertical" ,context ).slider({value: volumeLevel*100}); $(".slider-vertical" ,context ).slider({value: volumeLevel}); isMuted = false; }, mute=()=>{ if(player.playerType=="vimeo"){ player.getVolume().then(vol=>{ if(vol != 0){ player.setVolume(0); setMuted(); } else{ if(volumeLevel == 0){ vimeoVolumeLevel = 0.5; volumeLevel = 50; }; player.setVolume(vimeoVolumeLevel); clearMuted(); } }); } else{ if(player.isMuted()){ if(volumeLevel == 0){ vimeoVolumeLevel = 0.5; volumeLevel = 50; }; player.unMute(); clearMuted(); } else{ player.mute(); setMuted(); } } }, fullscreen=()=>{ target = $("iframe",context)[0]; switch(true){ case target.requestFullScreen != undefined: target.requestFullScreen(); break; case target.webkitRequestFullscreen != undefined: target.webkitRequestFullscreen(); break; case target.mozRequestFullScreen != undefined: target.mozRequestFullScreen(); break; case target.webkitRequestFullscreen != undefined: target.webkitRequestFullscreen(); break; case player.requestFullscreen != undefined: player.requestFullscreen(); break; } hideBigPlay(); }, seek=(e)=>{ updateThumbs(e); if(e.buttons==0 && e.which == 0) return; rect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(); percent = (e.clientX - rect.left) / rect.width; if(player.playerType=="vimeo"){ player.getDuration().then(duration=>{ var seconds = Math.floor(duration * percent); player.setCurrentTime(seconds); updateTime(seconds); updatePosition(percent); }); } else{ var seconds = player.getDuration() * percent; player.seekTo(seconds); updateTime(seconds); } }, thumbsVideo, initThumbs=()=>{ if(player.thumbs==undefined) return; thumbsVideo=$(".thumbs video",context)[0]; thumbsVideo.src="/asset/" + player.thumbs; }, updateThumbs=e=>{ if(player.thumbs==undefined) return; var seconds=thumbsVideo.duration * (e.originalEvent.offsetX / e.currentTarget.clientWidth); thumbsVideo.currentTime = seconds; if(seconds{ $(".thumbs",context).show(); }, navMouseleave=()=>{ $(".thumbs",context).hide(); }, assertControls=()=>{ if(assets==undefined){ $(context).addClass("single"); } }, bindControls=()=>{ unbindControls(); assertControls(); $(".nav .play",context).click(playPause); $(".nav .volumeControls .mute",context).click(mute); addVolumeControl(); $(".nav .volumeControls",context).on( "mouseover", (e)=> { volume(); e.preventDefault(); }); $(".nav .fullscreen",context).click(fullscreen); $(".close",context).click(closePlayer); $(".seek",context).click(seek).on("mousemove",seek).on("touchmove",seek); $(".next",context).click(playNext); $(".prev",context).click(playPrevious); $(".frame .play",context).click(bigPlayClickHandler); $(".nav .subtitle",context).click(subtitleClickHandler); // $(".frame .play").click(playPause); if(player.thumbs!=undefined){ $(".seek",context).on("mouseenter", navMouseEnter); $(".seek",context).on("mouseleave", navMouseleave); } }, unbindControls=()=>{ $(".nav .play, .nav .mute, .nav .fullscreen, .close, .seek, .next, .prev, .frame > .play, .nav .subtitle",context).off("click").off("mouseenter").off("mousemove").off("mouseleave").off("touchmove"); }, closePlayer=()=>{ if(player.playerType=="vimeo"){ player.pause(); } else{ player.pauseVideo(); } clearInterval(playerTimer); hidePlayer(); hideBigPlay(); clearTimeout(playerTimer); player.destroy(); isActive=false; }, getNextAsset=()=>{ if(assets==undefined) return player.asset; var index=assets.indexOf(player.asset); if(index==(assets.length-1)) return assets[0]; return assets[index+1]; }, getPreviousAsset=()=>{ if(assets==undefined) return player.asset; var index=assets.indexOf(player.asset); if(index==0) return assets[assets.length-1]; return assets[index-1]; }, playNext=()=>{ clearInterval(playerTimer); createPlayer(getNextAsset()) hideBigPlay(); }, playPrevious=()=>{ clearInterval(playerTimer); createPlayer(getPreviousAsset()); hideBigPlay(); }, resetControls=()=>{ $(context).removeClass("show"); $(".seek .position, .nav .loaded",context).width(0); $(context).removeClass("playing"); $(".nav .time",context).text("-0:00"); $(".nav .mute",context).removeClass("muted"); $(".frame .loading",context).show(); }, onLoaded=()=>{ hideLoading(); //play if available if(autoplay){ if(player.playerType=="vimeo"){ var playPromise = player.play(); if (playPromise !== undefined) { playPromise.then((e) => { // Auto-play started playPauseMorph(); if(e?.result && isActive){ playPause(); } }).catch((error) => { // Auto-play was prevented // Show a UI element to let the user manually start playback // showBigPlay(); showClickPlay(); // setPoster(asset.Guid); // pausePlayMorph(); }); } } else{ canAutoplay.video().then(e=>{ if(e.result && isActive){ $(context).addClass("show"); $(context).addClass("playing"); $(".frame .poster",context).hide(); player.playVideo(); hideBigPlay(); playPauseMorph(); $(".frame .loading",context).hide(); } }); } } else { showBigPlay(); } }, hideLoading=()=>{ $(".frame .loading",context).hide(); }, hideLoadingDelay=()=>{ setTimeout(hideLoading,1000); }, showClickPlay=()=>{ $(".frame > .play",context).addClass("autoPlay"); hideLoading(); }, hideClickPlay=()=>{ $(".frame > .play",context).removeClass("autoPlay"); }, showBigPlay=()=>{ $(".frame > .play",context).addClass("bigPlay"); hideLoading(); }, hideBigPlay=()=>{ $(".frame > .play",context).removeClass("bigPlay"); }, bigPlayClickHandler=()=>{ // playPause(); $(".nav .subtitle ul",context).css("display", "none"); if(!autoplay){ stopAllVideos(); } if(player.playerType=="vimeo"){ player.getPaused().then(paused=>{ if(paused){ player.play(); // hideBigPlay(); playPauseMorph(); $(".frame .poster",context).hide(); // clearPoster(); } else{ player.pause(); // showBigPlay(); pausePlayMorph(); } }); } else{ if(player.getPlayerState() == 1){ player.pauseVideo(); $(context).removeClass("playing"); // showBigPlay(); pausePlayMorph(); } else{ $(context).addClass("show"); $(context).addClass("playing"); $(".frame .poster",context).hide(); player.playVideo(); // hideBigPlay(); playPauseMorph(); } } }, showPlayer=()=>{ if($(context).css("display")!="block"){ gsap.set(context, {opacity:0, duration: 0.7, display:"block"}); gsap.to(context, { opacity:1 }); } //$(".player").css({opacity:0}).show().animate({opacity:1},500); }, hidePlayer=()=>{ gsap.to(context, {opacity:0, duration: 0.7, onComplete: ()=>{ gsap.set(context, {display: "none"}); }}); //$(".player").animate({opacity:0},500,); }, setPoster=guid=>{ $(".frame .poster",context).css("background-image","url(/asset/" + guid + ")").show(); } clearPoster=()=>{ $(".frame .poster",context).hide(); } ; createPlayer(asset,target); }, // autoplay with url ?play parameter initAutoplay=()=>{ play=$.getQueryParameters().play; if(play!=undefined){ getName=n=>{ if(n==null || n==undefined) return ""; return n.replace(/:/g,"").replace(/'/g,"").replace(/\(/g,"").replace(/\)/g,"").replace(/-/g," ").replace(/\./g," ").replace(/,/g,"").replace(/!/g,"").replace(/&/g,"and").replace(/á/g,"a").replace(/à/g,"a").trim(); } play=play.replace(/-/g," "); //autoplay=false; asset = assets.find(a=>getName(a.Name).toLowerCase()==play.toLowerCase()); if(asset!=undefined) createPlayer(asset); //$($(".gallery .tile").toArray().find(e=>$(e).data().asset.Name.toLowerCase()==play)).click(); } }, // iframe events initEvents=()=>{ window.document.addEventListener("player_play", e=>{ //received play event from child document in iframe e.preventDefault(); //signal to embedded player that this player will play the video. createPlayer(e.detail); }); }, dispatchEvent = asset=>{ try{ return window.parent.document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("player_play", { cancelable : true, detail : asset })); } catch(e){ return true; } }, //ga events logEvent=(asset)=>{ gtag("event","Trailer", { event_label : asset.Name }); }, // inline player createInlineElement=e=>{ if(Array.isArray(e)){ e.forEach(e=>{ initInlineVideoElement(e); }); } else{ initInlineVideoElement(e); } }, initInlineVideoElement=e=>{ //create asset var asset={ Guid: e.parentElement.dataset.assetid, Var1: e.dataset.var1, }; createPlayer(asset,e); } ; init(); return { createPlayer : (asset)=>{createPlayer(asset);}, createInlineElement : e=>{createInlineElement(e);}, setAssets: (data)=>{assets = data;}, initAutoplay: ()=>{initAutoplay();}, getPlayers: ()=>{return players;}, //initEvents : ()=>{initEvents();} }; })();


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// Use the current section's pin }, onLeaveBack: self => { // Update menu when leaving a section if (self.vars.index === 16) { // If leaving section 17, update menu to previous section updateMenu(self.vars.pins[self.vars.index - 2]); } else { // Otherwise, update menu to the previous section updateMenu(self.vars.pins[self.vars.index - 1]); } }, index: adjustedIndex - 1, // Set adjusted index pins: a }); // gsap.utils.toArray(".mobile section.pin").forEach((panel, i, a) => { // ScrollTrigger.create({ // trigger: panel, // start: "top top", // pin: i != 17, // pinSpacing: false, // pinType: "fixed", // onEnter :self=>{ // updateMenu(self.vars.pins[self.vars.index]); // }, // onLeaveBack: self=>{ // updateMenu(self.vars.pins[self.vars.index-1]); // }, // index: i, // pins: a // }); //pins.push(s); /* //mobile panel fadein timeline gsap.timeline({ scrollTrigger : { trigger: panel, scrub : true, start: "top bottom", end : "top top", //markers: true, onUpdate: self =>{ console.log(self.progress); }, onEnter: self => { console.log("enter"); console.log(self); }, onEnterBack: self => { console.log("enterBack"); console.log(self); } } }).fromTo(panel, {opacity:0.2, filter:"blur(8px)"}, {opacity: 1, filter: "blur(0px)"}) ; */ /* ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: panel, scroller: ".outer .left", start: "top top", markers: true, onUpdate: self =>{ console.log(self.progress); }, onEnter: self => { console.log("enter"); console.log(self); }, onEnterBack: self => { console.log("enterBack"); console.log(self); } }); */ }); ScrollTrigger.create({ trigger: ".mobile .powered .pin", start: "top top", end: ()=>{ return "+=" + ($(".mobile .powered").height() - $(".mobile .powered h4")[0].getBoundingClientRect().height); }, pin: true, pinSpacing: false, pinType: "fixed", onEnter :self=>{ updateMenu(self.vars.trigger); }, onLeaveBack: self=>{ //updateMenu($(".mobile .whats-new .pin")[0]); } }); }, updateMenu=e=>{ if(!isMobile()) return; $e=$(e); if($e.hasClass("menu-light")){ $(".mobile .menu").addClass("menu-light logo-light"); 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updateImages(images, ".random-image"); }); let contactGuid = $(".rContactImage-guid").text(); $.getJSON("/getassetgroupjson?guid=" + contactGuid).done(data=>{ images = data; updateImages(images, ".random-contact-image"); }); }, updateImages=(imageData, className)=>{ //group images and randomise var rImages = groupBy(randomise(imageData),e=>e.Name).map(e=> randomise(e.value)[0]); updateImage=(e,i)=>{ $e = $(e); $e.css("background-image","url(/asset/" + rImages[i].Guid + "-2000--75"); if(rImages[i].HotspotX != -1) $e.css("background-position", rImages[i].HotspotX + "% " + rImages[i].HotspotY + "%"); }; $(`.desktop ${className}` ).toArray().forEach(updateImage); $(`.mobile ${className}`).toArray().forEach(updateImage); }, updateQuotes=()=>{ //get quotes and randomize var quotes = randomise($("#quotes tr").toArray().map(row=>{return {quote: row.children[0].innerHTML, source: row.children[1].innerHTML};})), updateQuote=(e,i)=>{ $("div",e).html(quotes[i].quote); $("label",e).html(quotes[i].source); }; $(".desktop q").toArray().forEach(updateQuote); $(".mobile q").toArray().forEach(updateQuote); }, initAutoscroll=()=>{ //autoscroll to powered section if hash exists var autoScrollCount = 0; var doScroll=section=>{ var autoScrollTimer = setInterval(()=>{ gotoSection(section); if(autoScrollCount++ > 4) clearTimeout(autoScrollTimer); },800); }; switch(window.location.hash){ case "#powered": setTimeout(()=>{ gotoSection(isMobile() ? 16: 10); },2000); break; case "#teradek": setTimeout(()=>{ gotoSection(isMobile() ? 12: 7); },2000); break; case "#captured-on-codex": setTimeout(()=>{ gotoSection(isMobile() ? 17: 11); },2000); break; case "#contact": setTimeout(()=>{ gotoSection(isMobile() ? 18: 12); },2000); break; case "#casestudies": setTimeout(()=>{ gotoSection(isMobile() ? 11: 6); },2000); } }, groupBy=(list, keyGetter)=>{ const map = new Map(); list.forEach((item) => { const key = keyGetter(item); const collection = map.get(key); if (!collection) { map.set(key, [item]); } else { collection.push(item); } }); return [...map].map((e) => { return {key : e[0], value : e[1]};}); }, randomise=a=>{ return a.sort(()=> Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1); }, initHScroll=()=>{ $(".hscroll").each((i,context)=>{ var position=0, count=$(".hpanel", context).length, images = $(".hscroll-img",$(context.dataset.imageSource)).toArray(), showImage=()=>{ images.forEach((img,i)=>{ if(i>position){ img.style.opacity=0; } else{ img.style.opacity=1; } }); }, animateFrame=()=>{ gsap.to($(".frame", context)[0], {left : -(position*100) + "%"}); showImage(); setProgress(); }, initProgress=()=>{ $(".progress", context).html(("
    ").repeat(count)); }, setProgress=()=>{ if(position % 2){ $(".progress", context).removeClass("dark"); }else{ $(".progress", context).addClass("dark"); }; $(".progress > div", context).removeClass("active"); $(".progress > div", context)[position].classList.add("active"); if(position ==0){ $(context).addClass("first"); } else { $(context).removeClass("first"); } if(position==count-1){ $(context).addClass("last"); } else { $(context).removeClass("last"); } }, leftClickHandler=e=>{ e.preventDefault(); if(position>0){ position--; animateFrame(); } }, rightClickHandler=e=>{ e.preventDefault(); if(position{ position=$(e.target).index(); animateFrame(); }, initBindings=()=>{ $(".left", context).click(leftClickHandler); $(".right", context).click(rightClickHandler); $(".progress > div", context).click(progressClickHandler); var touching=false, startX, moveX, frameWidth; $(".frame", context).on("touchstart mousedown", e=>{ touching=true; width=$(context).width(); startX=e.originalEvent.type=="touchstart" ? e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX : e.originalEvent.clientX; moveX=0; }); $(".frame", context).on("touchmove mousemove", e=>{ if(e.originalEvent.type=="mousemove" && e.originalEvent.buttons==0) return; moveX = startX - (e.originalEvent.type=="touchmove" ? e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX : e.originalEvent.clientX); gsap.set($(".frame", context)[0], {left : -(position*100) - (moveX/width*100) + "%"}); }); $(".frame", context).on("touchend mouseup", e=>{ touching=false; switch(true){ case position100: position++; break; case position>0 && moveX{ var mapCaseStudyData=(data)=>data.map(e=> { return { guid : e.customFields.find(c=>c.Name=="ogImage").Value, title1 : e.customFields.find(c=>c.Name=="List Title").Value, title2 : e.customFields.find(c=>c.Name=="Sub Title").Value, path : e.path }; }), getTestimonialData=()=>{ return $("#testimonialsSource table tr").toArray().map(e=>{ return { title1 : e.children[0].innerHTML, title2 : e.children[1].innerHTML, guid : e.children[2].children[0].dataset.assetid } }) }; $.get("/getcasestudies").done(function(data){ slider.createSlider(caseStudySlider, mapCaseStudyData(data.nodes.sort((a,b)=>{return b.date-a.date;}).slice(0,4)), "5.5"); slider.createSlider(caseStudySlider2, mapCaseStudyData(data.nodes.sort((a,b)=>{return b.date-a.date;}).slice(0,4)), "5.5"); }); slider.createSlider(testimonialsSlider, getTestimonialData(), "8"); slider.createSlider(testimonialsSlider2, getTestimonialData(), "8"); }, initRedirects=()=>{ if(window.location.hash=="#product"){ $("#content2").hide(); window.location="https://pix.online/product"; } }, hideBlankElements=()=>{ $(".blank-hidden").toArray().filter(e=>e.innerText=='').forEach(e=>{e.style.display="none";}); }, menuAnimation=()=>{ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => { let menu = document.querySelector(".burger"); // let top = document.querySelector("#top-line"); // let middle = document.querySelector("#middle-line"); // let bottom = document.querySelector("#bottom-line"); tl.to($('#top-line'), { backgroundColor:"#ffffff",rotation:45,width:"47%",x:8, y:10 ,duration: 1, ease: "elastic.inOut(1.1,0.5)"},0) .to($('#middle-line'), { backgroundColor:"#ffffff",rotation:-45,x:-3, y:-1, duration: 1, ease: "elastic.inOut(1.2,0.5)",},0) .to($('#bottom-line'), { backgroundColor:"#ffffff",rotation:45,width:"41%",x:3, y:-16,duration: 1, ease: "elastic.inOut(1.1,0.5)",},0) $(".burger").on( "click", (e)=> { $(".menu-overlay").toggleClass("active"); e.preventDefault(); menuTransition(); }) }); }, menuTransition=()=>{ if($(".menu-overlay").hasClass("active")){ // if(tl.progress() === 1){ tl.play() }else { tl.reverse(); } } ; init(); return { //getImages : ()=>{return images;}, //updateImages : ()=>{updateImages();}, //getSectionPositions : ()=>{return getSectionPositions();} //getScrollSnap : ()=>{return scrollSnap;}, //getTimelines : ()=>{return panelTimelines;}, //getPins : ()=>{return pins;}, gotoSection : (index)=>{gotoSection(index);}, showCaptcha : ()=>{showCaptcha();} }; })();
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