Upcoming is downgoing, Elm City is ongoing

Here’s Andy Baio’s farewell to Upcoming, a service I’ve been involved with for a decade. In a March 2005 blog post I wrote about what I hoped Upcoming would become, in my town and elsewhere, and offered some suggestions to help it along. One was a request for an API which Upcoming then lacked. Andy soon responded with an API. It was one of the pillars of my Elm City project for a long while until, as Andy notes in his farewell post, it degraded and became useless.

Today I pulled the plug and decoupled Upcoming from all the Elm City hubs.

In 2009 Andy and I both spoke at a conference in London. Andy was there to announce a new project that would help people crowdsource funding for creative projects. I was there to announce a project that would help people crowdsource public calendars. Now, of course, Kickstarter is a thing. The Elm City project not so much. But I’m pretty sure I’m on the right track, I’m lucky to be in a position to keep pursuing the idea, and although it’s taking longer than I ever imagined I’m making progress. Success, if it comes, won’t look like Upcoming did in its heyday, but it will be a solution to the same problem that Upcoming addressed — a problem we’ve yet to solve.

That same March 2005 blog post resonates with me for another reason. That was the day I walked around my town photographing event flyers on shop windows and kiosks. When I give presentations about the Elm City project I still show a montage of those images. They’re beautiful, and they’re dense with information that isn’t otherwise accessible.

Event flyers outperform web calendars, to this day, because they empower groups and organizations to be the authoritative sources for information about their public events, and to bring those events to the attention of the public. The web doesn’t meet that need yet but it can, and I’m doing my best to see that it does.

Community calendar workshop next week in Newport News

My next community calendar workshop will be at the Peninsula Fine Arts Center in Newport News, on Tuesday April 23 at 6PM. It’s for groups and organizations in the Hampton Roads region of Virginia, including Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Williamsburg, and Yorktown. If you’re someone there who’d like help change the way public calendars work in your region, please sign up on EventBrite so we know you’re coming, or contact me directly.

Here’s the pitch from the workshop’s sponsor and host, the Daily Press:

The Community Calendar Project

It’s about time someone came up with a way to get all community events in one place so everyone, everywhere can find out what’s going on at any given time, on any given day.

It’s about time creators of those events – the people, agencies and organizations who work so hard to bring quality education, support and entertainment to the community – had a way to get their messages out there effortlessly.

It’s about time the public can find out about the happenings and events they really care about and never miss an important event again.

AND it’s “time” – or the lack of it – that makes this community initiative being spearheaded by the Daily Press so valuable to everyone. This community calendar will SAVE time – for the event creators, the event seekers and the websites and platforms that work to make this information available.

The Daily Press is partnering with Jon Udell of Microsoft to bring this project to Hampton Roads and make it among the first communities in the country to have an easily searchable, FREE database of events available to the public. And we want to get all of Hampton Roads involved. The only thing required to participate is to agree to use an iCalendar formatted calendar on your own websites or to create events through Facebook. That’s it. Participation guaranteed.

What is an iCalendar? Simply, iCalendar is a computer file format that allows Internet users to exchange calendars with other Internet users. iCalendar is used and supported by personal calendars such as Google Calendar, Apple Calendar (formerly iCal), Microsoft Outlook and Hotmail, Lotus Notes, Yahoo! Calendar, and others, and by web content management systems including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and others.

Many of you may already use one of these applications to publish your calendars online, and that is great! That means you can already participate in the calendar network we are bringing together. The rest of you can easily convert and get on board.We’ll tell you how.

On April 23 you are invited to a presentation of the Community Calendar Project. Jon will be on hand to tell you what it is, why it matters and how to get involved. The gathering will take place at 6 p.m. at the Peninsula Fine Arts Center, 101 Museum Drive (across from The Mariners’ Museum) in Newport News.

Light refreshments will be served. Get your FREE tickets so we know how many are attending.

Hope to see you there.

Calendar feeds are a best practice for bookstores

Bookstores, for all the obvious reasons, are hanging on by their fingernails. What brings people into bookstores nowadays? Some of us still buy and read actual printed books. Some of us enjoy browsing the shelves and tables. Some of us value interaction with friendly and knowledgeable booksellers. And some of us like to see and hear authors when they come to speak and sign books.

There are lots of author events at bookstores. Recently LibraryThing’s Tim Spalding tweeted:

Upcoming bookish events on @LibraryThing Local now over 10,000! http://www.librarything.com/local/helpers

It’s great that LibraryThing “helpers” (individuals, libraries, bookstores) are adding all those events to LibraryThing’s database. But I’d really like to see bookstores help themselves by publishing standard calendar feeds. That way, LibraryThing could ingest those calendars automatically, instead of relying on dedicated helpers to input events one at a time. And the feeds would be available in other contexts as well, syndicating both to our personal calendars (desktop-, phone-, and cloud-based) and to community calendars.

When I saw Tim’s tweet I took a look at how bookstore events are feeding into various elmcity hubs. Here’s a snapshot of what I found:

location store ical feed?
Bright Lights
Monadnock Region of NH Toadstool yes
Cambridge, MA Harvard Bookstore yes
Brookline MA Brookline Booksmith yes
Boston MA Trident Booksellers yes
Ann Arbor MI Crazy Wisdom yes
Portland OR Powell’s yes
Dim Lights
Berkeley East Wind Books indirect
Canada Chapters Indigo indirect
Seattle Third Place Books indirect
… and some others …
Dark Matter
Berkeley City Lights no
Various Barnes and Noble no
Seattle WA Elliot Bay no
… and many others …

There are three buckets:

Bright Lights: These are stores whose web calendars are accompanied by standard iCalendar feeds. Events from these stores appear automatically in the Monadnock, Boston, Ann Arbor, and Portland hubs. These stores’ calendars could also be ingested automatically into LibraryThing, and you could subscribe to them directly.

Dim Lights: These are stores whose web calendars are hosted on Facebook. There isn’t a standard iCalendar feed for Facebook calendars, but the elmcity service can synthesize one using the Facebook API. So I say that these stores have “indirect” iCalendar feeds.

Dark Matter: These are stores whose web calendars are available only in HTML format. Some of these calendars are handcrafted web pages, others are served up by content management systems that produce calendar widgets for display but fail to provide corresponding feeds.

There are a few Bright Lights and some Dim Lights, but most bookstore calendars, like most web calendars of all kinds, are Dark Matter. If you’re a bookstore I urge you to become a Bright Light. Making your calendar available to the web of data is as easy as using Google Calendar or Hotmail Calendar. It’s a best practice that bookstores disregard at their peril.

Thought leadership at the Ann Arbor District Library

In Book: A Futurist’s Manifesto, which is taglined Essays from the bleeding edge of publishing and is co-edited by Brian O’Leary and Hugh McGuire, there’s a refreshingly forward-thinking chapter on public libraries by the Ann Arbor District Library’s Eli Neiburger. In The End of the Public Library (As We Knew It) Eli describes an intriguing model for libraries as purveyors of digital stuff. If you’re a creator of such stuff, and if you’re willing to sign the AADL Digital Content Agreement, you can license your stuff directly to the library:

The Agreement establishes that the library will pay an agreed-upon sum for a license to distribute to authenticated AADL cardholders, from our servers, an agreed-upon set of files, for an agreed-upon period of time. At the end of the term, we can either negotiate a renewal or remove the content from our servers.

The licenses specifies that no DRM, use controls, or encryption will be used, and no use conditions are presented to the AADL customer. In fact, our stock license also allows AADL users to download the files, use them locally and even create derivative works for personal use.

Pretty radical! Why would you, the creator of said stuff, want to take this crazy leap of faith? Eli explains:

Instead of looking at the license fee as compensation for something like a one-time sale, the pricing works when the rightsholder considers how much revenue they would like to expect during the license term from our 54,000-odd cardholders. For niche creators, it’s not hard for the library to beat that number, and all they have to do to get it is agree to the license and deliver the files to our server.

They’re not releasing their content to the world (especially because it’s already out there). They’re just granting a year or so of downloads to these 54,000 people. They get more revenue than they would likely get from those people up front, and the library gets sustainable, usable digital content for its users.

Eli thinks this won’t work for in-demand mass-market stuff anytime soon, if ever. But as he points out:

When everything is everywhere, libraries need to focus on providing — or producing — things that aren’t available anywhere else, not things that are available everywhere you look.

Of course public libraries have always been producers as well as providers. Things libraries produce include local collections, like the Keene Public Library’s exquisitely-curated historical photos and postcards and the Ann Arbor District Library’s The Making of Ann Arbor.

Libraries are also producers of community events, and here’s one I’m delighted to announce will happen at the Ann Arbor District Library on September 26:

A Seminar on Community Information Management

Everybody lives online now. Knowing how to collect and exchange information is now as important a skill as knowing how to drive, but it’s not enough: in order to make the web really work for you, you have to know how to project yourself online, and how to manage the boundary between what’s private and what’s public.

Cities and towns need to know this too. From the mayor’s office and local schools to the slow-pitch league and the local music scene, communities need to have these same skills if they are to survive and thrive in the 21st Century.

This seminar will explore what those skills are and how we can use them to make our communities stronger. We will use one particular case — sharing and synchronizing event calendars in Ann Arbor — to illustrate ideas, but the basic principles we will discuss can be applied to almost every aspect of community life.

While we’ll be talking about the web, this seminar is not for IT specialists, any more than knowing how to drive is something that only auto mechanics need to know.

A one-hour presentation by Jon Udell of Microsoft will be followed by another hour of Q&A and discussion.

This event is free of charge, and particularly of interest to those working for educational, civic and other not-for-profit organizations. It will be helpful to those who want better ways to get the word out about their own organization’s events and news, as well as those who are searching for such information and not always finding it easy to locate.

We’ll address these questions, among others:

– How can we, as a community, most effectively inform one another about goings-on in the region?

– How can our collective information management skills improve quality of life in the region?

– How can they also help us attract tourism and talent from outside the region?

– How do these same skills apply in other domains of public life such as political discourse and education?

We’re inviting organizations that — like public libraries — are significant producers of community events: public schools, colleges and universities, city governments, hospitals, cultural and environmental nonprofits, sports leagues, providers of social services, and more. We’re specifically looking for the people in such organizations who produce and promote events. If you’re one of those folks in or near Ann Arbor and would like to be invited, please let me know.

X-WR-TIMEZONE considered harmful?

In a pair of recent entries, Semantic web 101: Say what you mean and The long tail of the iCalendar ecosystem, I’ve begun to report on what I’m learning about the state of the iCalendar ecosystem as I work in parallel on the elmcity project and on the iCalendar Validator. Today I’ll focus on just one of a number of issues I’ve run into. Consider these two screenshots:

google calendar hotmail calendar

On the left you see Google Calendar displaying two calendars, each representing a single event — the Brower Youth Awards on October 18 at the Herbst Theater in San Francisco — in a different way. On the right you see Hotmail Calendar displaying the same two calendars. The event will happen at 5:30 Pacific time on the 18th. I found it on the Berkeleyside site whose events page offers a companion iCalendar feed.

If you load that feed into both Google Calendar and Hotmail Calendar, and if your calendars are set to Eastern time, you’ll see what’s shown above. If your calendars are set to another timezone the times will be shifted but the pink ones still won’t match.

The green ones should always match and should always be what you’d expect. For me, looking at a 5:30 Pacific event through the lens of calendars set to Eastern, I’d expect both calendars to display 8:30.

What’s the difference between the pink calendar and the green calendar? Here’s the pink one. It’s just the original calendar reduced to a single event. Like the original it declares its timezone using the nonstandard X-WR-TIMEZONE property:

PRODID:-//Refresh Web Development//Helios Calendar//EN
SUMMARY:Brower Youth Awards 2011
LOCATION:Herbst Theater - 401 Van Ness \, San Francisco\, CA US 94102

And here’s the green one. Again it’s a derivation of the original calendar that reduces to a single event. But it also declares its timezone in the standard way, using a VTIMEZONE component and then referring to it using the TZID parameter of the DTSTART and DTEND properties:

PRODID:-//Refresh Web Development//Helios Calendar//EN
SUMMARY:Brower Youth Awards 2011
LOCATION:Herbst Theater - 401 Van Ness \, San Francisco\, CA US 94102

As we see in the picture above, the event time on the green calendar shows up the same way in both Google Calendar and Hotmail Calendar. It should also be the same in any calendar program that supports the iCalendar standard.

The event time on the pink calendar, though, is a up for grabs. Calendar programs that strictly follow the iCalendar standard should ignore X-WR-TIMEZONE and always display the local time, 5:30PM, which will be right for people in the Pacific timezone and wrong for everybody else. Hotmail Calendar does this. Programs that use X-WR-TIMEZONE, on the other hand, can render this calendar just as they would render a standard calendar. Google Calendar does this.

Why do I care? I have to decide whether the elmcity service will or won’t consider X-WR-TIMEZONE to be meaningful. The service is based on DDay.iCal, the same standards-based parser that powers the iCalendar Validator. So when the the service reads the pink calendar, and renders it for users in Berkeley, it will do the wrong thing from their point of view.

To do the right thing for Berkeley it would need to do the wrong thing by iCalendar: transform the nonstandard X-WR-TIMEZONE property into a standard VTIMEZONE component, and then transform all the dates so that they refer to the VTIMEZONE’s TZID. In order to create that VTIMEZONE component, it would interpret X-WR-TIMEZONE value as a TZID (timezone ID) from the Olson database. A Unix-based service would look up the TZID in Olson, find the rule for the timezone — i.e., offsets from GMT for standard time and daylight savings time, and when to appy them — and express the rule using VTIMEZONE syntax. A service running on Windows Azure, like mine, would instead need to map the Olson name to a Windows timezone name, look up the rule using a Windows API, and then express the rule in VTIMEZONE syntax.

Of course this is a slippery slope because, in the end, I’m only guessing what X-WR-TIMEZONE is supposed to mean. Here’s Rick DeNatale engaging in the same kind of guesswork:

Someone pointed me to this icalendar file of Australian holidays for a test case:


This contains NO VTIMEZONE components, but does have the calendar property: X-WR-TIMEZONE:Australia/Sydney

Googling indicates that this is a non-standardized property, but it seems to be used by several calendar apps including Apple’s ical.app
and Google calendar.

I know that it’s non-standard, but it seems to be somewhat important for interoperability. I’m looking for some kind of information about
what it means in general.

It seems to indicate a default tzid for the whole calendar. In the absence of timezone components I’m not sure how to interpret the tzid, though.

Australia/Sydney IS a time zone identifier in the Olsen database, is it standard practice to use olsen tzids in X-WR-TIMEZONE calendar attributes?

Fortunately I can bring some data to bear on this question. Thanks to the iCalendar Validator I can analyze public calendars produced by a variety of iCalendar producers. In The long tail of the iCalendar ecosystem I listed the names of about 600 producers seen recently by the Validator. Of those, about 100 use X-WR-TIMEZONE instead of VTIMEZONE, and 70 of those 100 use local rather that UTC date syntax which implies they are depending on X-WR-TIMEZONE for correct interpretation of those dates.

Note that Google Calendar, the 800-pound gorilla in this space, is not one of those 70 producers. When it writes iCalendar format it uses both X-WR-TIMEZONE and VTIMEZONE; the latter ensures that Google Calendars can be understood properly by standard parsers that don’t support X-WR-TIMEZONE. The 100 producers I’m talking about, though, are using only X-WR-CALENDAR in a way that suggests they expect a nonstandard transformation. The fact that Google Calendar performs that transformation is, of course, a major reason why producers would expect it to happen everywhere.

Should X-WR-TIMEZONE be standard? That’s debatable. It would certainly make life easier for iCalendar producers. They could just mention a timezone rather than having to extract its rule from their operating systems and express the rule in VTIMEZONE syntax. One of the reasons for the success of RSS and Atom, after all, is that it’s always been easy to whip up an RSS or Atom feed which you can then check with the Feed Validator. An analogous simplicity for iCalendar producers would help grow the iCalendar ecosystem.

On the other hand if an iCalendar feed were to only mention a timezone without fully defining it, then the consumer would have to do the work that the producer didn’t. That’s problematic as Doug Day, author of the iCalendar Validator, notes in a recent email exchange:

Unfortunately, without including the actual time zone information in the calendar (i.e. via VTIMEZONE), you can’t be sure that the date/times you’re representing are accurate, even when using X-WR-TIMEZONE. For example, if you’re on a Windows XP machine that hasn’t been updated in 5 or 6 years, your system time zone information will be inaccurate. However, if the VTIMEZONE were included in the calendar, it would remain accurate, even on an older machine with out-of-date time zone definitions. Also, in order to interpret X-WR-TIMEZONE, you’d need to be in an environment where interpreting Olson time zone is realistic (easy on Linux, harder on Windows). I know a global, online time zone registry is in the works, but I don’t think it’s to a point where it’s useful, yet.

You might wonder why all this timezone stuff is even necessary. After all, an iCalendar feed can simply omit VTIMEZONE (and/or X-WR-TIMEZONE), express dates and times in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), and use UTC syntax for all dates and times. Why not just do that? I asked Doug Day about this a while ago, and here was his reply:

The biggest problem is with recurring events and daylight/standard time transitions. For example, consider the following (all hypothetical):

1. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah

2. I want to schedule a meeting, starting on September 7, 2009 at 9:00 A.M, which recurs every month on the first Monday.

3. Some of the people attending this meeting live outside my current time zone.

So, here are the occurrences you’re ultimately after:

– September 7, 2009 – 9:00 A.M. (3:00 PM UTC)

– October 5, 2009 – 9:00 A.M. (3:00 PM UTC)

– November 2, 2009 – 9:00 A.M. (4:00 PM UTC)

As you can see, once the time changes from daylight back to standard time, so does the UTC representation of that time. So, if you had scheduled your event in UTC time, when the time zone changes, your event time will actually have changed (to 10:00 A.M., rather than 9:00 A.M.)

For this reason, among others, it’s always best to include time zone information whenever available. Traditionally, it’s been pretty difficult to include that information, and it’s more often left out than included.

So what shall I do with X-WR-TIMEZONE? I’ve decided to support it experimentally. If you start a new hub on the elmcity service, the default is to ignore X-WR-TIMEZONE. But if your hub has important sources that depend on it, as Berkeley does, then you can override the default so the times will be as you expect.

Meanwhile we’re going to update the iCalendar Validator to warn producers about this issue. There’s nothing technically invalid about a calendar that uses X-WR-TIMEZONE without VTIMEZONE. To a parser that strictly interprets the RFC5545 standard, that property is just a name that’s “reserved for experimental use.” But as has always been true of the RSS/ATOM Validator, the iCalendar Validator aims to deliver useful real-world guidance. Producers that use X-WR-TIMEZONE alone to declare a timezone should know that while it may often yield expected results, it’s not guaranteed to do so. It would be better to use a standard VTIMEZONE.

The long tail of the iCalendar ecosystem

A couple of months ago I began saving the iCalendar files that are submitted to the iCalendar Validator. Today I extracted a list of unique names of iCalendar producers along with associated counts of the number of calendars validated for each. Here they are, with Google Calendar at the head and a classic long tail distribution of almost 600 other iCalendar producers. (You can also see them elsewhere by name as well as by count.)

The next step will be to analyze how well these these producers conform to the validator’s interpretation of the iCalendar spec. But the list itself forms an interesting data set. We know intuitively that, after 12 years of evolution, the iCalendar ecosystem must have become broad and diverse. Here’s a nice illustration of that breadth and diversity.

(Note that these counts don’t necessarily reflect the real distribution of iCalendar producers. The iCalendar Validator is closely associated with the elmcity project, so certain producers used heavily there — DDay.iCal, EVDB, Meetup — are overrepresented. On the whole, though, I’d guess this is a reasonable proxy for the distribution of producers.)

-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN 2102
-//DDay.iCal//NONSGML ddaysoftware.com//EN 334
-//SchoolCenter/NONSGML Calendar v9.0//EN 280
-//EVDB//www.eventful.com//EN 200
-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN 163
-//Meetup Inc//RemoteApi//EN 145
-//Meetup//RemoteApi//EN 143
-//Events at Stanford//iCal4j 1.0//EN 137
-//Drupal iCal API//EN 133
NingEventWidget-v1 131
-//Mozilla.org/NONSGML Mozilla Calendar V1.1//EN 101
-//CustomICS by Robert Brady 888-523-7275 81
PHP 76
-//Last.fm Limited Event Feeds//NONSGML//EN 61
e-vanced event management system 56
-//Microsoft Corporation//Windows Live Calendar//EN 55
-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN 55
-//openmikes.org/NONSGML openmikes.org//EN 53
PRODID;X-RICAL-TZSOURCE=TZINFO:-//com.denhaven2/NONSGML ri_cal gem//EN 49
-//ActiveDataExchange/Calendar V3.12.0//EN 47
Data::ICal 0.16 36
-//Facebook//NONSGML Facebook Events V1.0//EN 36
-//sports.yahoo.com//San Francisco Giants Calendar (MLB)//EN 35
http://devliquid.hillel.org/ 33
-//University of Oulu//SEAA 2011 Conference Program//EN 33
iCalendar-Ruby 32
-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 11.0 MIMEDIR//EN 31
https://news.piratenpartei.de/calendar.php 31
-//sports.yahoo.com//San Francisco 49ers Calendar (NFL)//EN 31
-//Refresh Web Development//Helios Calendar//EN 30
-//strange bird labs//Drupal iCal API//EN 29
-Consultation Manager iCal File 28
-//Kennedy Space Center launches by Chad//NONSCML//EN 27
-//ddaysoftware.com//NONSGML DDay.iCal 1.0//EN 27
-//Apple Inc.//iCal 4.0.4//EN 26
-//Ascensha//Causeway Workgroup Calendar//EN 25
-//Events Calendar//iCal4j 1.0//EN 25
-//Enzian Specials by Chad//NONSCML//EN 24
Absorb LMS 24
-//Apple Inc.//iCal 3.0//EN 22
Clear Books 22
-//University of Geneva//Calendar v1.0//EN 22
-//lanyrd.com//Lanyrd//EN 20
-//Upcoming.org/Upcoming ICS//EN 20
TT-Kalender 19
-//ForeTees//NONSGML v1.0//EN 19
-//Webmaster-Portal// 19
-//suda.co.uk//X2V (BETA)//EN 18
-//Partyflock//Partyflock_agenda_user_350057//EN 18
-//John Papaioannou/NONSGML Bennu 0.1//EN 18
-//collegefootballcalendar.net//2011-2012 NCAA Football Calendar//EN 17
-//Kerio Technologies//Kerio Connect//EN 17
BedeWork V3.5 17
-//Apple Computer\, Inc//iCal 2.0//EN 17
-//Trumba Corporation//Trumba Calendar Services 0.11.8113//EN 17
-//Schedule Star LLC//HighSchoolSports.net Calendar 2009.02.19//EN 16
-//MH Software Inc//Calendar – 3.2.13-pre8//EN 16
-//Springshare//LibCal//EN 16
-//University of California\, Berkeley//UCB Events Calendar//EN 16
-//ViableIT Inc//athletechs.com Calendar 1.0//EN 15
-//FBC//Turnierkalender//EN 15
-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 14.0 MIMEDIR//EN 14
-//Sølvguttene\, //Aktivitetskalender//EN 14
TOUTWEB http://www.toutweb.ac-versailles.fr 14
-//yeltzland/Calendar v1.0//EN 14
-//SimpleMachines//SMF 1//EN 14
-//Korfball.de//NONSGML Korfball.de V2.0//EN 13
-// Kansas Humanities Events Calendar //NONSGML v1.0//EN 13
RSS2iCal 0.0.1 13
-//Calendar//Calendar Event//EN 13
-//Dasos//NONSGML berksevents.com//EN 13
-//davical.org//NONSGML AWL Calendar//EN 13
-//Evolvera AB\, //TimeEdit//EN 12
-//Pingstkyrkan Sundsvall//Kalender//SV 12
-//Apple Inc.//iCal 5.0//EN 12
-//GMN training events//NONSGML v1.0//EN 12
-//RidgeStar//NONSGML v1.0//EN 12
-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN 12
-//Intand Corporation//Tandem for Schools//EN 12
-//Gala Festival Engine//gala-engine.com//EN 12
https://vertrieb.panomizer.de 12
-//loco.ubuntu.com//EN 12
Coldfusion8 12
-//VTM//TEXT Causeway Calendar//EN 11
-//Generated by RSScal//Tom Henderson 2007 11
-//herald-dispatch/calendar//NONSGML v1.0//EN 11
-//Events Manager//1.0//EN 11
-//CHECK24 Vergleichsportal GmbH//Kfz iCal Termin v0.1//DE 11
-//FwdMeeting.app//EN 11
-//FAST//NONSGML v1.0//CZ 11
Mobile Geographics Tides 3988 2011 11
-//Punahou School/finalsite//NONSGML v1.0//EN 11
-//Bryce Campbell/NONSGML v1.0//EN 11
-//beTicketing/Events//EN 11
-//djeebus/scheduleanywhere//NONSGML v1.0//EN 11
-//mySportSite Inc.//mySportSite//EN 11
-//nikatla.de//MoDuL//DE 11
PRODID;X-RICAL-TZSOURCE=TZINFO:-//ArcticStartup//ri_cal gem//EN 11
-//Weather Underground Inc//Wunder Weather Calendar//EN 11
-//Ben Fortuna//iCal4j 1.0//EN 10
-//Linux Users’ Group of Davis//events-as-ics 2006.09.12//EN 10
-//WestConn Events//iCal 2.0//EN 10
-//Korrio Inc//Korrio Calendar 0.42//EN 10
-//TPP//v2.2.6//DE 10
soe_events 10
Ajax Event Calendar WordPress Plugin 10
de.rwth-aachen.filmstudio.www 10
-//Datasport//Datasport Events V0.1//EN 9
-//Vertical Magazine//VerticalADCalendar//EN 9
-//denef.design\, //iCalCreator 0.1//EN 9
-//Oakland Unviersity//NONSGML Events//EN 9
-//sports.yahoo.com//Connecticut Huskies Calendar (NCAA Men’s Hoops)//EN 9
-//blogTO//NONSGML Toronto Events V1.0//EN 9
-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN 9
-//Microsoft Corporation//OutlookMIMEDIR//EN 9
-//sports.yahoo.com//Central Conn. St. Lady Blue Devils Calendar (NCAA Women’s Hoops)//EN 9
-//Export//Set-a-Date//EN 9
-//winchesteryouthhockey.com//Schedule Calendar 0.001//EN 9
-//guthrietheater.org///Schedule Calendar 0.001//EN 8
-//The Horde Project//Horde_iCalendar Library\, Horde 3.3.4//EN 8
-//UB Events Calendar//NONSGML v1.0//EN 8
-//jEvents 1.5 for Joomla//EN 8
-//crystalbootssilversaddles.org//NONSGML // 8
i-Aspect IAF 1.0.23 8
-//ReminderFox V1. 8
-//Arnolds calendar// 8
-//flaimo.com//iCal Class MIMEDIR//EN 8
Computers in Personnel Ltd – Ciphr 8
-//ISCOPE GmbH//NONSGML iCalendar library for PHP//DE 8
-//WebCalendar-v1.1.2 8
Town of Chapel Hill Calendar Creator 8
-//Edtech\\\, //Ultranet 2.3.4//EN 8
-//Proweso/TeamData//DE 8
-//AntonDesign//NONSGML LUCS//EN 7
-//Ascensha//Causeway Calendar//EN 7
-//ABC Denayer//NONSGML DenayerAgenda//EN 7
-//DNN//Events 05.00.02//EN 7
-//F30//NONSGML Text Editor//EN 7
-//Terrapinn//The Internet Show Middle East//EN 7
-//Clubless//NONSGML//EN 7
-//zulily//reminders//EN 7
-//Lotus Development Corporation//NONSGML Notes 8.5//EN 7
Zimbra-Calendar-Provider 7
-//WebCalendar-ics-v1.2.3 7
+//IDN hrooster.nl/icsFeed//NONSGML v1.0//EN 7
-//ESD105//NONSGML v1.0//EN 7
-//University of St Andrews//Galen Timetable//EN 7
-//Cairns State High School//Events Manager Export//EN 7
-//ELT Calendar//Eventer 1.0//EN 7
bnmng 7
-//UT///NONSGML v1.0//nl-NL 7
-//Telerik Inc.//NONSGML RadScheduler//EN 6
-//InstituteOfClinicalResearch//NONSGML v1.0//EN 6
-//Skoonhoven//VUrooster//NONSGML v1.0//EN 6
-//TPP//T P P v2.2.6//DE 6
-//Vereniging Voor Natuurkunde//NONSGML Activiteitenkalender//NL 6
-//MNC Heren 8 Kalender//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 6
-//Costasoft//CalGen//IT 6
-//ReminderFox V1.9.9.4//EN 6
-//Typo3 CMS\, News Event Extension 6
-//Nevobo/Competitie/NL 6
-//Scientia Ltd//iCalendar Server v 1.0//EN 6
-//kex.se//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 6
-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.4.0//EN 6
-//Trumba Corporation//Trumba Calendar Services 0.11.8009//EN 6
-//Day Software//CQ5 Calendar 5.4.2//EN 6
-//sphereinc//jira to iCal Vacations 0.09//EN 6
-//stgeorge.org//calendar.php//NONSGML v1.0//EN 5
-//polishprofessionals.org.uk//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.8// 5
-//SHEA/syndicated//NONSGML v1.0//EN 5
-//Remember The Milk//rtm.Service.iCalendar.Export 3.0//EN 5
-//SFU CourSys//courses.cs.sfu.ca// 5
iTV – televizni program 5
-//www.byucougars.com//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.8// 5
-//jhart//skytools_icalendar//EN 5
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 5
Integrated Resources Booking System 5
-//Air Crew Portal//.air V0.2b//EN 5
http://www.billomat.net/service/feed/ical/ 5
HSJ – Excel 5
-//Abreu Viagens//CorpAbreu//PT 5
-//ED//Agenda Harmonie//EN 5
VBCPS Calendar Application 5
-// iCalcreator 2.4.3// 5
-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 10.0 MIMEDIR//EN 5
-//Apple Computer\, Inc//iCal 1.0//EN 5
-//The Highbar LLC//BoardOnTrack//EN 5
-//Trumba Corporation//Trumba Calendar Services 0.11.8016//EN 5
-// iCalcreator 2.6// 5
-//Leaguerunner//Team Schedule//EN 5
-//Legends Racing UK//Race Calendar//EN 5
-//Trumba Corporation//Trumba Calendar Services 0.11.8024//EN 5
-//ABC Corporation//NONSGML My Product//EN 4
-//Algit d.o.o.//NONSGML iUrnik 7.0.680//EN 4
Common Place 4
-//Schoolonline//Schoolonline 1.0//NL 4
-// iCalcreator 2.6// 4
-//Revoshop//Brønshøj kampe//EN 4
-//agenda.strasweb.fr//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 4
-//RidgeStar//NONSGML v4.8.2//EN 4
-//glenallenpool.com//GlenAllenCommunityCenter//EN 4
-//Incom.org//iCal Helper//DE 4
-//iCal Parser Test//NONSGML v1.0//EN 4
-//Novell Inc//Groupwise 12.0.0 Beta 4
-//Middlebury College//Dining Menus//EN 4
-//Mercury//cam.ac.uk// 4
-//Lotus Development Corporation//NONSGML Notes 6.0//EN 4
-//D2Rec WEB//EN 4
-//Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints//LDS Calendar 2.0//EN 4
-//Cambridge Publications//NONSGML ConferenceSys//EN 4
-//Double Yellow//DY//EN 4
-//HOCZ.org//srazy.hocz.org//EN 4
-//Foris//Meetings//EN 4
-//eZ Systems//eZ Publish//EN 4
-//Trumba Corporation//Trumba Calendar Services 0.11.7922//EN 4
http://www.jeripeier.ch/piper+ 4
-//UM//UM*Events//EN 4
//Dave Warker//Remember? 4.6.2d1 4
Clubless Event Invite 4
http://aol.animanga.at/ 4
-//ungarn.brunstadworld.org// Ungarn.iCal 1.0//EN 4
infosys@rn.inf.tu-dresden.de 4
-//vodafoneprojects-hr.mediaxplosion.nl//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 4
IntraSEIC ICS Generator 4
-//Terrapinn//World National Oil Companies Congress 2012//EN 3
-//test.org//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 3
-//CBIT//eAdministration//DK 3
-//MightyMax/JPT/ripper v1.0//NL 3
-//ELT Calendar//Add to calendar//EN 3
-//Tethr.co.uk/NONSGML Tethr 0.1//EN 3
-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 9.0 MIMEDIR//EN 3
-//TBP\ Inc//iCal 1.0//EN 3
-//NONSGML Events //EN 3
-//Taxi Licensing//MOT BOOKINGS//EN 3
-//NOVASOFTWARE//Calendar//IT 3
http://www.example.com/calendarapplication/TZ:+01:00 3
http://www.trinews.at 3
DaisyTest 3
-//DNN//Events 05.02.00//EN 3
-//Novell Inc//Groupwise 8.0.2 3
eAdministration 3
-//MIA Consulting//MIA_Toolkit v1.0//EN 3
-//hugoviste.cz//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10// 3
-//i:FAO Aktiengesellschaft//NONSGML cytric r10//EN 3
-//localhost//NONSGML iCalcreator 2.6// 3
-//Trumba Corporation//Trumba Calendar Services 0.11.7914//EN 3
-//Hester Jans//Agenda//NL 3
-//Ibooqu Calendar 1.0//EN 3
-//University of Florida//NONSGML Calendar v1.0//EN 3
-//Intand Corporation//Tandem//EN 3
-//koivuniemi//navettabroker 1.0//FI 3
-//WBT Systems//NONSGML TopClass//EN 3
-//University of Cambridge/WattLab V1.4//EN 3
-//Example/ExampleCalendarClient//EN 3
-//meds.queensu.ca//iCal MEdTech Central Calendar MIMEDIR//EN 3
-//MGL MakingGreatLeaders//NONSGML MGL//EN 3
-//Eveoh//Eveoh iCalExporter 1.2//EN 3
-//The Taft School//NONSGML v1.0//EN 3
-//Maxinutrition//iCal 2.0//EN 3
-//GENTICS Content.Node//NONSGML AWO Event//DE 3
-//Lotus Development Corporation//NONSGML Notes 7.0//EN 3
-//Lotus Development Corporation//NONSGML Notes 8.5.2//EN_C 3
-//Markthisdate.com\,0.7 3
-//Generated by PHP in Linux!//NONSGML v1.0//EN 3
-//OHAI.CA//Brian Lai’s Awesome iCal Parser 1.01//EN 3
-//Appointments On Time//EN 3
-//SweepAround.Us: Ward 40\, Sweep Area 5//EN 3
NetProfits Guidance Scheduling 3
-//Plan 2011Z CB//NONSGML v1.0//EN 3
Microsoft Exchange SERVER 2007 3
-//Schedule Star LLC//HighSchoolSports.net Calendar 2009.02.19//ENVERSION:2.0CALSCALE:GREGORIAN 3
-//Saltech Systems//NONSGML Saltech CMS 2011//EN 3
-//sol3//EN 3
ReflexAppointment 3
-//Amtelco/Oncall//NONSGML V1.0//EN 3
-//Rentmanager XI//EN 3
-//Reincubate Ltd//iPhone Backup Extractor 3.0.8//EN 3
Nova-Migration-PC-1.0 3
-//Sotic Ltd//EN 3
-//Roundcube Webmail//NONSGML Calendar//EN 3
-//Scott Crevier//SouthEndZone.com//EN 3
-//Brian Victor//BTBCal 3
-//OHAI.CA//Brians iCal Generator 1.01//EN 3
-//ServeiTIC ETSAB//iCal4j 1.0//EN 3
-//p77b Inc//iCal Splitter r1//EN 3
-//Sølvguttene//Aktivitetskalender//EN 3
IE – 2011 3
-//Ascentis Corporation//CalExporter 1.0//EN 3
-//synexarium_arabic@copticchurch.net//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10// 3
-//IP.Board Calendar 3.1.4//EN 2
-//iwooweb.umcn.nl/rooster/B1GM1t_rooster_12-8-2011.ics//NONSGML iCalcreator 2.6// 2
-//Zarafa//7.0.1-28479//EN 2
Reflex Appointment 2
-//WebCalendar-v1.0.2 2
-//YuMe Inc//NONSGML My Product//EN 2
-//www.bostonharborislands.com//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.8// 2
-//jaegerlacke.de//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.8// 2
-//Genbook, Inc//Genbook Calendar 1.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN 2
-//flybe SDRA iCal Export//Daniel Giles//EN 2
-//inter-actief//amélie//NL 2
-//AbanQ/AbanQCalendarClient//EN 2
-//Volleyball calendar 2011-2012// 2
VMH Akademie Mailer 2
-// iCalcreator 0.9.9// 2
-// iCalcreator 2.6// 2
– // LuxCal 2.5.0 // I+R Web Calendar // EN 2
-//Vrijhof Cultuurcentrum//Admino 3//EN 2
-//Abilene Christian University//CM 2011.1//EN 2
UWA Whatson 2
-//adb_birthdays2ical//V0.1//EN 2
SuperOffice Calendar 2
-//http://nitalk-dev.natinst.com//ics-export-sbs-plugin//EN 2
-//Hochschule Heilbronn//ICS Downloader//DE 2
http://www.handball.no 2
feed2ical 0.0.1 2
Microsoft CDO for Microsoft Exchange 2
Fenwick/Kinopop 2
feed2ical 0.1 2
-//dukamunka.hu// DukaMunka.iCal 1.0//HU 2
ApplyMate Reminders 2
-//DougBrown//WHS Date Generator – copyright 2011 //EN 2
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 2
METHEUS 2000 2
-//Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints//LDS Calendar 1.6//EN 2
JustaTest 2
-//chapterboard.com//NONSGML iCalcreator 2.6// 2
-//Chris Malton//UKS_WebExport v1.0//EN 2
-//d-elft.nl//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 2
-//blah/test 2
http://ortsring-weiler.de/ 2
http://cybot.eu.org/zapo/ 2
//annando/mybb-ical//DE 2
-//Air Crew Portal//Air//EN 2
//Bedework.org//BedeWork V3.7//EN 2
-//Annual//Annual 70.9054//EN 2
-//Feuerwehr Eriskirch//NONSGML v1.0//EN 2
-//Air Crew Portal//Air v//EN 2
-Consultation Manager 2.0 2
-//AntonDesign//NONSGML v1.0//EN 2
-//Apple Inc.//iCal 4.0.3//EN 2
//opencampus.ssig.ch\ v2.0//IT 2
-//EMA Inc//EMA Private//EN 2
-//EventPoint, Inc.//TechEd Australia 2011 Calendar//EN 2
-//Apple Computer\, Inc//iCal 1.5//EN 2
//Nokia Corporation//Maemo5 Calendar PR1.2//EN 2
-//Apple Inc.//iCal 3.0m//EN 2
-//MKIVC//Public//EN 2
-//Terrapinn//Hedge Funds World Asia 2011//EN 2
-//Songkick//iCal 1.0//EN 2
-//TV-kalendern.se//NONSGML Calendar feed for television//EN 2
-//NC State OIED//NONSGML v1.0//EN 2
-//P2D Prontuario Universal//P2D Calendar 1.7//PT-BR 2
-//Paprikka_ERP//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10// 2
-//localhost:2026//NONSGML v1.0//EN 2
-//Rearden Commerce//iCal4j 1.0//EN 2
-//suda.co.uk//X2V 0.7.2 (BETA)//EN 2
-//Maxinutrition//iCal 1.0//EN 2
-//Meetup//Meetup Events v1.0//EN 2
-//The Horde Project//Horde_iCalendar Library\, Horde 3.3.8//EN 2
-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook MIMEDIR//EN 2
-//SoPA UoE//Event Calendar//EN 2
-//LUIS/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//LV 2
-//Planetarium Hamburg//Planetarium Hamburg Technikeinsatzplkanung//DE 2
-//test//Set-a-Date//EN 2
-//USBank//NONSGML v1.0//EN 2
-//Snow B.V.//NONSGML ldap2ics.pl v0.1//EN 2
-//JH-data//www.kobh.dk v1.0//EN 2
-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML libkcal 4.3//EN 2
-//Skiteam Wolfskamer//Wedstrijdagenda//NL 2
-//Taxi Licensing//Basildon Borough Council//EN 2
-//TAO Outlook-Converter//software.tao.at// 2
-//School Datebooks Inc//The Zoneâ„¢ – Ursuline Academy of Cincinnati//EN 2
-//Sølvguttene//Aktivitetskalender//NO 2
-//TheWeddingDJ 2
-//northwestern_econ_pinksheet//NONSGML iCalcreator 2.6// 2
-//Union Korneuburg//iCal4j 1.0//EN 2
-//CE Systems//calendarexchange 1.0//EN 1
-//Numara Software, Inc.//FootPrints Calendar//EN 1
-//NWHS Events//EN 1
-//CitySocialising//NONSGML CitySocialising Socials v1.0//EN 1
-//CMS4Schools.com//NONSGML Pro//EN 1
http://www.htw-aalen.de/ 1
-//Plan 2011Z CA//NONSGML v1.0//EN 1
http://www.mscbeuern.de/ 1
-//arqcore.com//NONSGML iCalcreator 2.10// 1
-//Asia Pacific Civil-Military Centre of Excellence//NONSGML v1.0//EN 1
-//Calendar For 1
-//Calendar Labs//Calendar 1.0//EN 1
-//Cambridge Folk//NONSGML Cam-French//EN 1
-//BusyMac LLC/BusyCal 1.5.4/ET 1
-//CalendarONE Pte Ltd//Entourage Mac 11.0 MIMEDIR//EN 1
-//OJP/Thales//EN 1
-//calendar-workoptions b.v..eazymatch.net//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.8// 1
-//Open Source Applications Foundation//NONSGML Chandler Server//E 1
-//bughome/tasks//NONSGML v1.0//EN 1
livesportontv.com 1
-//BlackParadigm/Schedule/FR 1
-//ATK Palvelu Hakosalo Oy//Yrinet3-asiakashallintajärjestelmä//FI 1
-//PimlicoSoftware Inc//Pimlical Calendar ICS Export//EN 1
-//Broadnet Teleservices/Event manager//EN 1
Id de procedencia (Compa�ia) 1
Lagsidan 1
-//PBS Arts//NONSGML 1
-// kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.8// 1
-// iCalcreator 2.4.3// 1
-// iCalcreator 2.6// 1
-//SMW Project//Semantic Result Formats 1
-// kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 1
University of Kent THALIA 1
-//Sol-3/sol3-export-crm-calendar-ics.pl//EN 1
-//Schedule Star LLC//HighSchoolSports.net Calendar 2009.02.19//CALSCALE:GREGORIAN 1
-//schleifring//messen 1
-// kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 1
-//002511509501000000000000000000000002000_NÖ Männer Meister PlayOff//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10// 1
-//SHEA//syndicated//NONSGML v1.0//EN 1
XVU iCal 1
-//Shrimad Rajchandra Mission//Mission Calendar 1.0//EN 1
PRODID;X-RICAL-TZSOURCE=TZINFO:-//Full Slate\, Inc.//NONSGML fullslate.co 1
HIP-HOP.DK 1.0 1
–//Mozilla.org/NONSGML Mozilla Calendar V1.1//EN 1
-////NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 1
-//scrollday.com//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.8// 1
http://www.apartmentsapart.com 1
-//SimpleMachines//SMF/RAphotoclub v1.0 1//EN 1
-//anzevents.adobe.com – Creaive Class: for creative people// 1
-//St. Luke University Parish//stlCalendar v1.0//EN 1
Projektron BCS 1
Open-Xchange 1
-//Reincubate Ltd//iPhone Backup Extractor 3.0.8//EN // RECOMMENDED INCLUSION 1
-//Apple Inc.//iCal 4.0//EN 1
-//Raco//iCal4j 1.0//EN 1
-//stgeorge.org//calendar.php//NONSGML v1.0//ENb 1
-//Something.org//NotesCalendarExport 0.96//EN 1
Rooster-janwal2010 1
-//ActiveDataExchange/Calendar V3.12.1//EN 1
-//Acme Corporation//NONSGML V1.0//Widget 1
-//Schedule a Meeting 1
SFPL Web Calendar 1
-//ACVB//RSVP Event//EN 1
-//Rillsoft GmbH//Rillsoft Integration Server//DE 1
-//Solvguttene\, //Aktivitetskalender//EN 1
-//agenda.strasweb.fr//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.8// 1
-//RIT Events Calendar//events//EN 1
-//GEOclubbing//NONSGML//EN 1
-//timetable.staircase.dur.ac.uk//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10// 1
-//Lotus Development Corporation//NONSGML Notes 8.0//EN 1
-//generated//sprungknoedl.at// 1
-//GENTICS Content.Node// AWO Event//DE 1
-//WebCalendar-ics-v1.2.4 1
-//LG Electronics//LG Remarq//EN 1
-//WebCal.fi//NONSGML iCalendar Creator version 3.3//EN 1
-//WebCal.fi//NONSGML iCalendar Creator version 3.3//FI 1
-//WebCalendar-ics-v1.2.1 1
-//Henrik Levkowetz//ietf-agenda-ical 1.03//EN 1
-//TimeEdit\, //TimeEdit//EN 1
-//XYZ Corp//My Product//EN 1
-//Flogs//NONSGML Flogs iCalendar interface v1.1//EN 1
-//Five Borough Bicycle Club//genics.cgi//EN 1
-//M&V Software//NONSGML Yritysmappi 1.4.2//EN 1
-//Freshcookies.org//NONSGMLNotesCalendarExport 0.96//EN 1
-//Lotus Development Corporation//NONSGML Notes 8.5.2//EN_S 1
-//www.bad-homburg-tourismus.de//DE 1
-//Lotus Development Corporation//NONSGML Notes 8.5.3//EN_C 1
-//www.ziv-zweirad.de//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10// 1
-//Lotus Development Corporation//NONSGML Notes 8.5.3//EN_S 1
-//LFP//iCal 3.0//FR 1
-//Intracore 13092011 103801 AM //iCal 2.0//EN 1
-//IP.Board Calendar 3.2.2//EN 1
-//University of Oulu//NONSGML SEAA 2011 Conference Program//EN 1
-//University of Michigan Museum of Art//Events Calendar//EN 1
-//Integrated Resources Booking System 1
-//Irish Orienteering Association//NONSGML Fixtures//EN 1
-//jCRM//iCal 0.1//EN 1
-//Jeb//edt.pl//EN 1
-//Verkkovaraani Oy/Generated by eAdmin//FI 1
-//IS4U//EN 1
-//virtual-loup-de-mer.org//NONSGML iCalcreator 2.6// 1
-//HZ93//HZ93//EN 1
-//Typo3 CMS\, News Event Extension //MIMEDIR//EN 1
-//Hypermatix//NONSGML Andal BETA//EN 1
-//http://notclive.co.uk/IC-DoC-iCal//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 1
-//http://www.ibestat.es 1
-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.3.3//EN 1
-//Infragistics,Inc.//UltraWinSchedule 1
-//University of Illinois//Web Services Calendar//EN 1
-//Kiiba ApS//NONSGML Kiiba//EN 1
-//ICal by EliasSoft//EN 1
-//ical.net//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.9.1// 1
-//MAT Foundries Europe GmbH Informationsportal//NONSGML Infoportal//DE 1
-//Day Software//CQ5 Calendar 5.3.0//EN 1
fenwick/kinopop 1
-//NCEO//Web site//EN 1
-//Nevobo/Competitie 1
Hasso Plattner Institute Potsdam, Germany, AOSD 2012 1
-//TBP\, Inc//iCal 1.0//EN 1
-//mulberrymail.com//Mulberry v4.0//EN 1
-//Terrapinn Holdings Ltd//The Internet Show Middle East//EN 1
-//multifunction.nl/#SPLUS630532//NONSGML v1.0//EN 1
-//delftcalendar.tudelft.nl//NONSGML iCalcreator 2.6// 1
-//musique4.localhost//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10// 1
http://tute.ch/events/ical/ 1
-//Cozi Group Inc//Cozi Calendar//EN 1
-//NorthEastSocial//NONSGML NorthEastSocial Events v1.0//EN 1
-//collegefootballcalendar.net//2011-2012 NCAA Football Calendar (ACC)//EN 1
-//collegefootballcalendar.net//2011-2012 NCAA Football Calendar (SEC)//EN 1
-//None/1.0//EN 1
http://calendar.rockhurst.edu/ 1
-//Dallas Theological Seminary//NONSGML v1.0//EN 1
-//d-elftwedstrijdkalender//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 1
-//NLFacMgr_v.2.288//FM//EN 1
-//Newcastle University//Personal Student Timetables v2.0//EN 1
-//Doodle AG//Doodle//EN 1
-//MIA Consulting//NONSGML MIA_TOOLKIT v1.0//EN 1
//Dave Warker//Remember? 4.6 1
//MCPS//iCalendar//EN 1
-//Test//NONSGML My Calendar//EN 1
-//The Horde Project//Horde_iCalendar Library//EN 1
-//thinkdigital/webkit-calendar//NONSGML v1.0//EN 1
-//zugunited.ch//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 1
-//Zermelo Roostermakers//NONSGML Infoweb rooster//NL 1
-//MAT Foundries Europe GmbH Informationsportal//NONSGML Infoportal//DE 1
-//EZ Bill Tracker// 1
-hanmade 1
-//dsek.lth.se//NONSGML dCalMaker 1.0// 1
-//mjoberg.net//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10.5// 1
-//Drupal iCal API//EN 1
-//dorky.bkbruntal.cz//NONSGML iCalcreator 2.4.3// 1
CommuniGate Pro 5.4.2d 1
BYU Calendar 1
AndroidEmail 1
//SMP 1
-//test.org//NONSGML kigkonsult.se iCalcreator 2.10// 1
-//Mijn Rooster//osiris.uu.nl// 1
-//Eloqua//NONSGML Eloqua Conversion Suite//EN 1

Can elmcity and Delicious continue their partnership? (2nd try)

Delicious has been part of my life for a long time. I first wrote about it back in August of 2004. I know this because Delicious helped me remember. The link has gone stale because I wrote the article for an online publisher, which turns out to be a good way to get published but a lousy way to stay published. Thankfully Wayback remembers what InfoWorld forgot:

Pub/sub, tags, and human filters

In 2002, InfoWorld gave a Technology of the Year award to “publish/subscribe” technology. In the writeup I mentioned Kenamea, KnowNow, and the Flash Communications Server. The del.icio.us bookmarking system has some of the pub/sub flavor of those systems, as well as some of the blogging flavor.

In the blog network, you publish to a personal identity (your own), and you subscribe to other people’s identities. In systems like KnowNow and Kenamea, people (and also applications) publish to, and subscribe to, topics.

Consider the del.icio.us tag e4x, which I created today to help me keep track of this article on a subject I expect to learn more about soon. At the moment, my e4x page and the systemwide e4x page are the same: mine is the one and only use of that tag.

Even if I’m the only one to collect e4x references by means of that tag, it will have value. I’ll be able to access a set of bookmarks from anywhere, and easily share them. Things could get more interesting if other people’s e4x references start to show up when I visit (or subscribe to) the tag. Whether del.icio.us (or an analogous service) will reach a scale that makes that likely, for specialized as well as common terms, is an interesting question.

Once a tag does reach critical mass, another interesting question arises. Do you monitor the global view or do you rely on one or more user-filtered views? I guess the answer is both, at different times. When a tag is new and receives little traffic, watch the whole thing. If traffic grows too heavy or too noisy, interpose trusted human filters.

Looking back I can see what attracted me to Delicious. It embodies what I’ve come to know as ways of thinking like the web.

I am now working on a service that invites people to learn and apply web thinking in order to systematically inform one another about things. My web service uses Delicious as a partner service. One reason is that I am virtuously lazy. I would much rather use a service than create one. The elmcity project only cares about one thing: calendar syndication. If it can partner with a service like Delicious for other things — managing lists of feeds, configuring hubs — then I can focus on trying to do the one thing that really matters to my project.

But there’s another reason. I believe that people who use Delicious in the way that elmcity curators do are learning to apply some key principles of web thinking. Things like informal contracts, information chemistry, the pub/sub communication pattern, and the structure of information,

I wrote up specific examples recently in Can elmcity and Delicious continue their partnership? Today I realized that I still lack an answer to that question. If the new terms of service are going to require me to swap out Delicious for another service I should get cracking. But first I’ll try again. Is it OK for elmcity to keep using Delicious the way it has been? If anyone reading this can help me get that question answered I will be grateful.

Garden gates can swing two ways

My latest Radar essay makes the modest proposal that Facebook might, in some cases, syndicate my data from elsewhere rather than requiring me to type it in. Most people think that’ll never happen. Paulo Eduardo Neves sums up why not:

I don’t think they have any intention to open gates in their walled garden.

Of course garden gates can work two ways. They can keep things in or out. We can all appreciate why Facebook wants to keep things in. But is it really in Facebook’s interest to keep things out? That would require Facebook to become the home for all of our photos, our calendars, and every other stream of data we create. What a burden! Why not let a decentralized internet carry some of that burden?

What’s matters most to Facebook, I should think, isn’t my photos and my calendars, but the surrounding interaction that it can uniquely enable, capture, and monetize. Couldn’t inbound syndication amplify that interaction? Dunno, just asking.

Liberating the Swamp Bats calendar

One of the great pleasures of summer in Keene, NH is our New England Collegiate Baseball League team, the Swamp Bats. I tell people that going to one of the Bats’ home games at the high school’s Alumni Field is like winding the clock back fifty years and bringing a Norman Rockwell painting to life. Fans arrive early and set up lawn chairs along the first base line. Kids run potato sack or frozen T-shirt races between innings. College players from teams around the country, some destined for the big show, remind you how sweet the little show can be.

Of course the Swamp Bats schedule should syndicate through Keene’s calendar hub. And last year it did. The Swamp Bats site was using Google Calendar, which provides an iCalendar feed, so I just added that feed to the hub.

This year there’s a new website based on the Joomla content management system. When I first looked at its rendering of the schedule, my heart sank. The iCalendar feed was gone!

On closer inspection, though, I found that it was still lurking in the background. The sites’ calendar is served up by a Joomla component called GCalendar which wraps an instance of GoogleCalendar. Why? The documentation explains:

No longer are you forced to use an i-frame and settle for a less then ideal look. Now you can integrate a Google Calendar directly into your website – using AJAX. This extension pulls directly from your Google Calendar within Google and displays it directly on your website.

Fair enough. The standard IFrame method for displaying a Google Calendar widget is, indeed, less than ideal. But in the process of wrapping the widget so that webmasters can make pages that look nicer, the iCalendar feed was left on the cutting room floor. That deprives visitors to the Swamp Bats website of the opportunity to add the Swamp Bats calendar to their personal calendar programs. It also prevents the Swamp Bats calendar from syndicating through an elmcity hub or directly to media outlets.

This omission isn’t an exception, it’s more like the rule. Web designers and builders obsess about how sites look, but typically ignore how they connect — or don’t — to the emerging web of data. As a result, I had to ferret out the hidden Google Calendar in order to connect the Swamp Bats schedule to the elmcity hub.

After some poking around I found it by viewing the source of the month view, which looks like this:

It’s not obvious, but if you click the down arrow above June 2011 a list expands:

In the HTML source for the list, two Google Calendar IDs appear:

<input type="checkbox" 
  checked="checked" onclick="updateGCalendarFrame(this)"/>
<td><font color="#6b49b0">Keene Swamp Bats</font></td>
<input type="checkbox" 
  checked="checked" onclick="updateGCalendarFrame(this)"/></td>
<td><font color="#9e8462">Keene Swamp Bats Away</font></td>

A Google Calendar ID is an email address at the root of a family of related URLs you can use to embed the calendar’s widget on a page, or subscribe to the calendar’s public (or maybe private) feed. In this case I’m after the public feed. Here’s how you form its URL from a root email address:

http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/ + EmailAddress + /public/basic.ics

Applying the rule to the first item in the list1 produces this iCalendar feed. I plugged its URL into the Keene hub, and now it knows that the Bats are playing the Holyoke Blue Sox tonight at Alumni Field:

I’ve also subscribed to the feed in Outlook, so I can see the games as an overlay on my personal calendar. Another Swamp Bats fan could do the same in Google Calendar, or Hotmail Calendar, or Apple iCal, or any other standard calendar program.

All’s well that ends well, I suppose, but geez, it really shouldn’t be this hard. Web designers and builders ought to think like the web. If you regard the web is an interactive experience, they do. But the web is also an ecosystem of linked data. That way of thinking has, so far, tragically failed to sink in.

Web pros! Wake up! There’s more to this game than achieving the “ideal look.” When you are working with data, please make it available as data to the people and the systems that need it.

1 What about the second item? That calendar is empty. It seems the intent was to provide two calendars, one for home games and the other for away games. But in fact, for some reason, the first calendar has both, and the second has none.

Syndicating Facebook events

My wife Luann showed her new art work at a local venue last Saturday. Here’s how the event looked in Keene’s elmcity hub:

It got there by way of a new technique I just added to elmcity’s repertoire. Until now, the only way to syndicate events from Facebook through an elmcity hub was the one described here. In that scenario a curator asks an elmcity hub to search Facebook for public events in the hub’s location. This hasn’t worked well. If you use Facebook’s API to search for public events using the term Keene, NH you’ll find events, but only ones that include Keene, NH in the event’s title. Events that mention Keene, NH in the location field are oddly missing.

So until now, if you wanted to use Facebook to promote a public event in Keene, you had to use Keene, NH in the title to get it to work. Being married to me, Luann knows to do that, and her event was already appearing in the hub. But for most people this sort of hack will (and should) be a non-starter.

Even if Facebook’s API worked the way I’d expect, and could find public events by location rather than just by name, it’s not really the right thing. The elmcity model puts event owners in charge of data feeds that hubs (and other consumers) access at specified URLs. It’s nice to know that your public events in Facebook can be found via search. But if you want to syndicate those events through a hub you’d rather publish an explicit feed URL.

It turns out that you can, but in an odd way that requires some explaining and raises important questions about the evolving landscape of online identity. The new elmcity technique relies on the Export link at the bottom of Facebook’s Events page. The label, Export, connotes private use of the iCalendar feed behind that link. The feed is primarily for Facebook users who want to sync their Facebook Events pages to their personal calendars. When you click the link, you’re shown an URL like this:


If you change webcal to http you’ve got one of those special sharing URLs that are public, in the sense that they live on the open web, but also private, in the sense that they’re not discoverable. You wouldn’t use this kind of URL for anything really sensitive. But it can be appropriate for calendars, or friends-and-family photo galleries, or other cases where security-by-obscurity is a reasonable tradeoff.

Syndicating Facebook events

When I fetched the URL for Luann’s Facebook events, by way of her Export link, I had an iCalendar feed that was a mixed bag. It included events to which Luann had been invited by friends; those events were marked private. It also included the event that Luann was promoting; that one was marked public. Ideally Facebook would provide a separate URL for just Luann’s (or any Facebook user’s) public events. There would be nothing secret about that URL, it could be shared freely on the open web.

Lacking such an URL from Facebook, elmcity has to synthesize it. To do so, it filters the private feed to include only events that meet two criteria:

  1. They belong to the Facebook user, not to a Facebook friend of that user.

  2. They are marked public.

Here are the iCalendar properties that enable such filtering:

ORGANIZER;CN=Luann Udell:MAILTO:luann@luannudell.com

In this example, when I excluded everything in Facebook’s iCalendar feed that wasn’t organized by Luann, and wasn’t public, I was left with a feed containing just one event: Luann’s art opening. That’s the feed I wanted to tell the Keene hub to subscribe to.

My first thought was to use the normal elmcity mechanism for subscribing a hub to calendar feeds. The hub’s curator bookmarks the feed in a designated Delicious account. In this case, there would need to be an extra bit of metadata to enable the hub to filter the feed properly. It could easily find events marked PUBLIC. But how would it know to find Luann’s public events? For that it would need the name of a Facebook user, in this case Luann’s name.

At first blush that seemed easy to solve. The elmcity service uses Delicious tags to convey metadata to hubs. I could define a new convention like so:

The combination of the trusted and ics and feed tags is the normal way a curator tells a hub that the bookmarked URL is an iCalendar feed that the hub should try to process. The who=Luann+Udell tag would be extra metadata telling the hub to restrict a Facebook calendar feed to only the events organized by the named Facebook user.

Problem solved? Unfortunately no. Do you see why not? This mechanism leaks private information. Although the elmcity hub isn’t going to publish anything other than Luann’s public event, her Facebook feed also contains a private event from Judy. Anyone who scans the feeds for the Keene hub would see the unfiltered URL and could find Judy’s private event.

If the architecture of elmcity were more typical, this wouldn’t be a problem. Curators would create accounts at elmcity, they’d log into those accounts to add feeds, the lists of feeds subscribed to by hubs would be hidden from the world. But elmcity does things differently. Hubs are transparent conduits through which public information flows. They reveal their sources. Nothing needs to be hidden, and so nothing is hidden. Curators do their work out in the open. Communities served by elmcity hubs can see how those hubs are constituted.

If Facebook provided a Publish link for public events, along with an Export link for all events, then it could participate directly in elmcity-style calendar syndication. Since Facebook doesn’t offer a Publish link, elmcity needs to receive the Export link from curators by way of some private channel of communication.

Syndicating Facebook events privately

If the architecture of elmcity were more typical, curators would have accounts at elmcity and would use those accounts to send private messages to the service. But again, elmcity does things differently. You shouldn’t have to create an account for everything under the sun. You already have plenty of perfectly good accounts. Why not reuse them?

The relationship between elmcity and Delicious is one example of such reuse. A curator creates a new elmcity hub by designating a Delicious account to control it. If the administrator of the elmcity service deems the proposed new hub legitimate, he or she (so far, just me) tells the service to use that Delicious account to specify the hub’s settings and list its feed URLs.

There’s an analogous relationship between elmcity and Twitter. If a hub’s Delicious settings name a curator’s Twitter account, then Twitter becomes a channel for private messages between the curator and the hub. For example, a curator can send a Twitter direct message to the hub that simply says: start. When the hub receives the start message, it immediately refreshes all the hub’s feeds instead of waiting for the next scheduled refresh.

Until recently that was the only control message that a curator could send to a hub. But now there’s another: add_fb_feed. From my Twitter account I just sent a direct message to the elmcity service’s Twitter account. The message said:

add_fb_feed id=652...115 key=AQD...qcT who=Luann+Udell category=art

Which means the following:

  1. Make this Facebook iCalendar URL: http://www.facebook.com/ical/u.php?uid=652&#8230;.115&key=AQD…qcT

  2. Restrict it to public events organized by Luann Udell

  3. Use art as the tag for events in this feed

The hub read that message and responded:

elmcity received your add_fb_feed command

And then:

facebook feed successfully added

This isn’t ideal. Curators still need to trust the elmcity service not to disclose URLs sent through the private Twitter channel. Such disclosure could happen in any of the following ways:

  • The operator of the elmcity service gives up the data on purpose. I wouldn’t, of course, but it’s theoretically possible.

  • The elmcity service gives up the data accidentally. It’s just software; mistakes happen.

  • A curator gives up the data either accidentally or on purpose. This risk exists because the elmcity service only has trust relationships with curators. They, in turn, have trust relationships with the contributors who provide calendar feed URLs. Contributors who want to use Facebook as a source for public events that flow through an elmcity hub will give their Export URLs to curators. And curators, accidentally or on purpose, could leak those URLs.

This post is already too long, so I’ll say elsewhere why I think you probably shouldn’t use Facebook as the authoritative source for public events that you want to promote. But if you understand the mechanism I’ve explained here, and if you think the risk/reward tradeoff is acceptable, then you’re welcome to use it. If you’re an elmcity curator who has designated a Twitter account for private communication with the service, here’s the new command you can send to add a Facebook feed from one of your contributors:

add_fb_feed id=UID key=KEY who=USER [category=CATEGORY]

Usage is as follows:

add_fb_feed is a required verb

id=UID is a required parameter. Replace UID with the xxx from uid=xxx in your Facebook Export URL

key=KEY is a required parameter. Replace KEY with the yyy from key=yyy in your Facebook Export URL

who=USER is a required parameter. Replace USER with your Facebook name, using + instead of the space character.

category=CATEGORY is an optional parameter. You can use a single term or a comma-separated list of terms. These will appear as tags on each event flowing from the feed through the hub.

If you send a bogus or missing command verb, or id, or key, you’ll get a Twitter message describing what went wrong.

How George Bailey can save Delicious

Every Christmas we watch It’s a Wonderful Life. This year I’ll be imagining Jimmy Stewart saying, to a panicked crowd of delicious.com users rushing for the exits, “Now, hold on, it’ll work out, we’ve just got to stick together.”

If you’ve never used the social bookmarking service that began life with the whimsical domain name del.icio.us, here’s the Wikipedia summary. The service began in 2003, and by 2004 had transformed my work practices more profoundly than almost anything else before or since. I’ve written scores of essays explaining how and why. Here are some of my favorites:

2004: Collaborative knowledge gardening

2005: Language evolution with del.icio.us (screencast)

2005: Collaborative filtering with del.icio.us

2006: Del.icio.us is a database

2007: Discovering and teaching principles of information management

2007: Social information management

2008: Twine, del.icio.us, and event-driven service integration

2008: Databasing trusted feeds with del.icio.us

2008: Why and how to blurb your social bookmarks

2009: Collaborative curation as a service

Since the now-infamous leak of an internal Yahoo! slide naming delicious as one of a set of doomed services, there’s been some great gallows humor. Ed Kohler:

The easiest way to shut down Wikileaks would be to have Yahoo! acquire it.

And Anil Dash:

It seems like @pinboardIN is the most successful product Yahoo!’s had a hand in launching in five years. Congrats, @baconmeteor.

Anil is referring to pinboard.in, one of several delicious-like services to which delicious users began fleeing. Pinboard is notable for a clever model in which the price of a lifetime subscription rises with the number of users. When I first checked yesterday morning, that price was $6.90. I signed up at $7.24. Neil Saunders started tracking it at #pinboardwatch; it got to $7.74 last night; it’s $8.17 now. Maybe I should’ve bought 100 accounts at $6.90!

But seriously, this is a moment to reflect on how we can preserve the value we collectively create online. As some of you know, I have made heavy use of delicious in my own service, elmcity. When the news broke, Jeremy Dunck asked: “Bad news for elmcity, huh?”

Actually that’s the least of my worries. The folks who curate elmcity calendar hubs use delicious to configure their hubs, and to list the feeds aggregated by their hubs. It’ll be a bit inconvenient to transition to another bookmarking service, but it’s no big deal. And of course all the existing data is cached in an Azure database; the elmcity service doesn’t depend on live access to delicious.

The real concern is far broader. Millions of us have used delicious to create named sets of online resources. We can recreate our individual collections in other services, but not our collaborative efforts. In Delicious’s Data Policy is Like Setting a Museum on Fire, Marshall Kirkpatrick writes:

One community of non-profit technologists has been bookmarking links with the tag “NPTech” for years – they have 24,028 links categorized as relevant for organizations seeking to change the world and peoples’ lives using technology. Wouldn’t it be good to have that body of data, metadata and curated resources available elsewhere once Delicious is gone?

The problem with “elsewhere,” of course, is that there’s no elsewhere immune to the same business challenges faced by Yahoo!. Maybe now is the time for a new model to emerge. Except it wouldn’t be new at all. The Building and Loan service that George Bailey ran in It’s a Wonderful Life wasn’t a bank, it was a coop, and its customers were shareholders. Could delicious become the first user-owned Internet service? Could we users collectively make Yahoo! an offer, buy in as shareholders, and run the service ourselves?

It’s bound to happen sooner or later. My top Christmas wish: delicious goes first.

Automatic shifting and manual steering on the information superhighway

I’d like to thank the folks at the Berkman Center for listening to my talk yesterday, and for feedback that was skeptical about the very points I know that I need to sharpen. The talk is available here in multiple audio and video formats. The slides are separately available on SlideShare. There are many ways to use these materials. If I wanted to listen and watch, here are the methods I’d choose. For a tethered experience I’d download the original PowerPoint deck from SlideShare and watch it along with the MP3 audio. For an untethered experience I’d look at the slides first, and then dump the MP3 onto a portable player and head out for a run. Finally, if I lacked the time or inclination for either of those modes, but was still curious about the talk, I’d read Ethan Zuckerman’s excellent write-up.

After the talk we had a stimulating discussion that raised questions some of us have been kicking around forever in the blogosphere:

  1. Do “real people” — that is, people who do not self-identify as geeks — actually use feed syndication?

  2. If not directly and intentionally, do they use it indirectly and unconsciously by way of systems that syndicate feeds without drawing attention to the concept?

  3. Does the concept matter?

The third question is the big one for me. From the moment that the blogosphere booted up, I thought that pub/sub syndication — formerly a topic of interest only to engineers of networked information systems — was now becoming a tool that everyone would want to master in order to actively engage with networked information systems. Mastering the principles of pub/sub syndication wasn’t like mastering the principles of automotive technology in order to drive a car. It was, instead, like knowing how to steer the car — a form of knowledge that we don’t fully intuit. I have been driving for over 35 years. But there are things I never learned until we sent our kids to Skid School and participated in the training.

I’ll admit I have waffled on this. After convincing Gardner Campbell that we should expect people to know how to steer their cars on the information superhighway, I began to doubt that was possible. Maybe people don’t just need automatic transmission. Maybe they need automatic steering too. Maybe I was expecting too much.

But Gardner was unfazed by my doubt. He continued to believe that people need to learn how to steer, and he created a Skid School in order to teach them. It’s called the New Media Studies Faculty Seminar, it’s taking place at Baylor University where Gardner teaches, at partner schools, and from wherever else like minds are drawn by the tags that stitch together this distributed and syndicated conversation. Here’s Gardner reflecting on the experience:

Friday, I was scanning the blog feeds to read the HCC blogs about the discussion. Then I clicked over to some of the other sites’ blogs to see what was happening there. Oops! I was brought up short. I thought I’d clicked on a St. Lawrence University blog post. It sure looked like their site. But as I read the post, it was clear to me something had gone wrong. I was reading a description of the discussion at HCC, which had included very thoughtful inquiries into the relationship of information, knowledge, and wisdom. Then I realized that in fact I was reading a description of the HCC discussion — because that’s what they’d talked about at St. Lawrence University as well.

And now my links bear witness to that connection, tell my story of those connections, and enact them anew.

This property of the link — that it is both map and territory — is one I’ve blogged about before (a lucky blog for me, as it elicited three of my Favorite Comments Ever). But now I see something much larger coming into view. Each person enacts the network. At the same time, the network begins to represent and enact the infinities within the persons who make it up. The inside is bigger than the outside. Each part contains the whole, and also contributes to the whole.

The New Media Studies Faculty Seminar has given some educators a lesson in how to steer their own online destinies, and a Skid School course on which to practice their new skills. That pretty much sums up my ambition for the elmcity project too. Automatic transmissions are great. But we really do need to teach folks how to steer.

Jazz in Madison, Wisconsin: A case study in curation

The elmcity project’s newest hub is called Madison Jazz. The curator, Bob Kerwin, will be aggregating jazz-related events in Madison, Wisconsin. Bob thought about creating a Where hub, which merges events from Eventful, Upcoming, and Eventbrite with a curated list of iCalendar feeds. That model works well for hyperlocal websites looking to do general event coverage, like the Falls Church Times and Berkeleyside. But Bob didn’t want to cast that kind of wide net. He just wanted to enumerate jazz-related iCalendar feeds.

So he created a What hub — that is, a topical rather than a geographic hub. It has a geographic aspect, of course, because it serves the jazz scene in Madison. But in this case the topical aspect is dominant. So to create the hub, Bob spun up the delicious account MadisonJazz. And in its metadata bookmark he wrote what=JazzInMadisonWI instead of where=Madison,WI.

If you want to try something like this, for any kind of local or regional or global topic, the first thing you’ll probably want to do — as Bob did — is set up your own iCalendar feed where you record events not otherwise published in a machine-readable way. You can use Google Calendar, or Live Calendar, or Outlook, or Apple iCal, or any other application that publishes an iCalendar feed.

If you are very dedicated, you can enter invidual future events on that calendar. But it’s hard, for me anyway, to do that kind of data entry for single events that will just scroll off the event horizon in a few weeks or months. So for my own hub I use this special kind of curatorial calendar mainly for recurring events. As I use it, the effort invested in data entry pays recurring dividends and builds critical mass for the calendar.

Next, you’ll want to look for existing iCalendar feeds to bookmark. Most often, these are served up by Google Calendar. Other sources include Drupal-based websites, and an assortment of other content management systems. Sadly there’s no easy way to search for these. You have to visit websites relevant to the domain you’re curating, look for the event sections on websites, and then look for iCalendar feeds as alternatives to the standard web views. These are few and far between. Teaching event sponsors how and why to produce such feeds is a central goal of the elmcity project.

When a site does offer a Google Calendar feed, it will often be presented as seen here on the Surrounded By Reality blog. The link to its calendar of events points to this Google Calendar. Its URL looks like this:

1. google.com/calendar/embed?src=surroundedbyreality@gmail.com

That’s not the address of the iCalendar feed, though. It is, instead, a variant that looks like this:

2. google.com/calendar/ical/surroundedbyreality@gmail.com/public/basic.ics

To turn URL #1 into URL #2, just transfer the email address into an URL like #2. Alternatively, click the Google icon on the HTML version to add the calendar to the Google Calendar app, then open its settings, right-click the green ICAL button, and capture the URL of the iCalendar feed that way.

Note that even though a What hub will not automatically aggregate events from Eventful or Upcoming, these services can sometimes provide iCalendar feeds that you’ll want to include. For example, Upcoming lists the Cafe Montmartre as a wine bar and jazz cafe. If there were future events listed there, Bob could add the iCalendar feed for that venue to his list of MadisonJazz bookmarks.

Likewise for Eventful. One of the Google Calendars that Bob Kerwin has collected is for Restaurant Magnus. It is also a Eventful venue that provides an iCalendar feed for its upcoming schedule. If Restaurant Magnus weren’t already publishing its own feed, the Eventful feed would be an alternate source Bob could collect.

For curators of musical events, MySpace is another possible source of iCalendar feeds. For example, the band dot to dot management plays all around the midwest, but has a couple of upcoming shows in Madison. I haven’t been able to persuade anybody at MySpace to export iCalendar feeds for the zillions of musical calendars on its site. But although the elmcity service doesn’t want to be in the business of scraping web pages, it does make exceptions to that rule, and MySpace is one of them. So Bob could bookmark that band’s MySpace web page, filter the results to include only shows in Madison, and bookmark the resulting iCalendar feed.

This should all be much more obvious than it is. Anyone publishing event info online should expect that any publishing tool used for the purpose will export an iCalendar feed. Anyone looking for event info should expect to find it in an iCalendar feed. Anyone wishing to curate events should expect to find lots of feeds that can be combined in many ways for many purposes.

Maybe, as more apps and services support OData, and as more people become generally familiar with the idea of publishing, subscribing to, and mashing up feeds of data … maybe then the model I’m promoting here will resonate more widely. A syndicated network of calendar feeds is just a special case of something much more general: a syndicated network of data feeds. That’s a model lots of people need to know and apply.

Where is the money going?

Over the weekend I was poking around in the recipient-reported data at recovery.gov. I filtered the New Hampshire spreadsheet down to items for my town, Keene, and was a bit surprised to find no descriptions in many cases. Here’s the breakdown:

# of awards 25
# of awards with descriptions 05 20%
# of awards without descriptions 20 80%
$ of awards 10,940,770
$ of awards with descriptions 1,260,719 12%
$ of awards without descriptions 9,680,053 88%

In this case, the half-dozen largest awards aren’t described:

award amount funding agency recipient description
EE00161 2,601,788 Sothwestern Community Services Inc
S394A090030 1,471,540 Keene School District
AIP #3-33-SBGP-06-2009 1,298,500 City of Keene
2W-33000209-0 1,129,608 City of Keene
2F-96102301-0 666,379 City of Keene
2F-96102301-0 655,395 City of Keene
0901NHCOS2 600,930 Sothwestern Community Services Inc
2009RKWX0608 459,850 Department of Justice KEENE, CITY OF The COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP) provides funding directly to law enforcement agencies to hire and/or rehire career law enforcement officers in an effort to create and preserve jobs, and to increase their community policing capacity and crime prevention efforts.
NH36S01050109 413,394 Department of Housing and Urban Development KEENE HOUSING AUTHORITY ARRA Capital Fund Grant. Replacement of roofing, siding, and repair of exterior storage sheds on 29 public housing units at a family complex

That got me wondering: Where does the money go? So I built a little app that explores ARRA awards for any city or town: http://elmcity.cloudapp.net/arra. For most places, it seems, the ratio of awards with descriptions to awards without isn’t quite so bad. In the case of Philadelphia, for example, “only” 27% of the dollars awarded ($280 million!) are not described.

But even when the description field is filled in, how much does that tell us about what’s actually being done with the money? We can’t expect to find that information in a spreadsheet at recovery.gov. The knowledge is held collectively by the many people who are involved in the projects funded by these awards.

If we want to materialize a view of that collective knowledge, the ARRA data provides a useful starting point. Every award is identified by an award number. These are, effectively, webscale identifiers — that is, more-or-less unique tags we could use to collate newspaper articles, blog entries, tweets, or any other online chatter about awards.

To promote this idea, the app reports award numbers as search strings. In Keene, for example, the school district got an award for $1.47 million. The award number is S394A090030. If you search for that you’ll find nothing but a link back to a recovery.gov page entitled Where is the Money Going?

Recovery.gov can’t bootstrap itself out of this circular trap. But if we use the tags that it has helpfully provided, we might be able to find out a lot more about where the money is going.

A literary appreciation of the Olson/Zoneinfo/tz database

You will probably never need to know about the Olson database, also known as the Zoneinfo or tz database. And were it not for my elmcity project I never would have looked into it. I knew roughly that this bedrock database is a compendium of definitions of the world’s timezones, plus rules for daylight savings transitions (DST), used by many operating systems and programming languages.

I presumed that it was written Unix-style, in some kind of plain-text format, and that’s true. Here, for example, are top-level DST rules for the United States since 1918:

# Rule NAME FROM  TO    IN   ON         AT      SAVE    LETTER/S
Rule   US   1918  1919  Mar  lastSun    2:00    1:00    D
Rule   US   1918  1919  Oct  lastSun    2:00    0       S
Rule   US   1942  only  Feb  9          2:00    1:00    W # War
Rule   US   1945  only  Aug  14         23:00u  1:00    P # Peace
Rule   US   1945  only  Sep  30         2:00    0       S
Rule   US   1967  2006  Oct  lastSun    2:00    0       S
Rule   US   1967  1973  Apr  lastSun    2:00    1:00    D
Rule   US   1974  only  Jan  6          2:00    1:00    D
Rule   US   1975  only  Feb  23         2:00    1:00    D
Rule   US   1976  1986  Apr  lastSun    2:00    1:00    D
Rule   US   1987  2006  Apr  Sun>=1     2:00    1:00    D
Rule   US   2007  max   Mar  Sun>=8     2:00    1:00    D
Rule   US   2007  max   Nov  Sun>=1     2:00    0       S

What I didn’t appreciate, until I finally unzipped and untarred a copy of ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/tzdata2009o.tar.gz, is the historical scholarship scribbled in the margins of this remarkable database, or document, or hybrid of the two.

You can see a glimpse of that scholarship in the above example. The most recent two rules define the latest (2007) change to US daylight savings. The spring forward rule says: “On the second Sunday in March, at 2AM, save one hour, and use D to change EST to EDT.” Likewise, on the fast-approaching first Sunday in November, spend one hour and go back to EST.

But look at the rules for Feb 9 1942 and Aug 14 1945. The letters are W and P instead of D and S. And the comments tell us that during that period there were timezones like Eastern War Time (EWT) and Eastern Peace Time (EPT). Arthur David Olson elaborates:

From Arthur David Olson (2000-09-25):

Last night I heard part of a rebroadcast of a 1945 Arch Oboler radio drama. In the introduction, Oboler spoke of “Eastern Peace Time.” An AltaVista search turned up :”When the time is announced over the radio now, it is ‘Eastern Peace Time’ instead of the old familiar ‘Eastern War Time.’ Peace is wonderful.”


Most of this Talmudic scholarship comes from founding contributor Arthur David Olson and editor Paul Eggert, both of whose Wikipedia pages, although referenced from the Zoneinfo page, strangely do not exist.

But the Olson/Eggert commentary is also interspersed with many contributions, like this one about the Mount Washington Observatory.

From Dave Cantor (2004-11-02)

Early this summer I had the occasion to visit the Mount Washington Observatory weather station atop (of course!) Mount Washington [, NH]…. One of the staff members said that the station was on Eastern Standard Time and didn’t change their clocks for Daylight Saving … so that their reports will always have times which are 5 hours behind UTC.


Since Mount Washington has a climate all its own, I guess it makes sense for it to have its own time as well.

Here’s a glimpse of Alaska’s timezone history:

From Paul Eggert (2001-05-30):

Howse writes that Alaska switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, and from east-of-GMT to west-of-GMT days, when the US bought it from Russia. This was on 1867-10-18, a Friday; the previous day was 1867-10-06 Julian, also a Friday. Include only the time zone part of this transition, ignoring the switch from Julian to Gregorian, since we can’t represent the Julian calendar.

As far as we know, none of the exact locations mentioned below were permanently inhabited in 1867 by anyone using either calendar. (Yakutat was colonized by the Russians in 1799, but the settlement was destroyed in 1805 by a Yakutat-kon war party.) However, there were nearby inhabitants in some cases and for our purposes perhaps it’s best to simply use the official transition.


You have to have a sense of humor about this stuff, and Paul Eggert does:

From Paul Eggert (1999-03-31):

Shanks writes that Michigan started using standard time on 1885-09-18, but Howse writes (pp 124-125, referring to Popular Astronomy, 1901-01) that Detroit kept

local time until 1900 when the City Council decreed that clocks should be put back twenty-eight minutes to Central Standard Time. Half the city obeyed, half refused. After considerable debate, the decision was rescinded and the city reverted to Sun time. A derisive offer to erect a sundial in front of the city hall was referred to the Committee on Sewers. Then, in 1905, Central time was adopted by city vote.


This story is too entertaining to be false, so go with Howse over Shanks.


The document is chock full of these sorts of you-can’t-make-this-stuff-up tales:

From Paul Eggert (2001-03-06), following a tip by Markus Kuhn:

Pam Belluck reported in the New York Times (2001-01-31) that the Indiana Legislature is considering a bill to adopt DST statewide. Her article mentioned Vevay, whose post office observes a different
time zone from Danner’s Hardware across the street.


I love this one about the cranky Portuguese prime minister:

Martin Bruckmann (1996-02-29) reports via Peter Ilieve

that Portugal is reverting to 0:00 by not moving its clocks this spring.
The new Prime Minister was fed up with getting up in the dark in the winter.


Of course Gaza could hardly fail to exhibit weirdness:

From Ephraim Silverberg (1997-03-04, 1998-03-16, 1998-12-28, 2000-01-17 and 2000-07-25):

According to the Office of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Interior, there is NO set rule for Daylight-Savings/Standard time changes. One thing is entrenched in law, however: that there must be at least 150 days of daylight savings time annually.


The rule names for this zone are poignant too:

# Zone  NAME            GMTOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]
Zone    Asia/Gaza       2:17:52 -       LMT     1900 Oct
                        2:00    Zion    EET     1948 May 15
                        2:00 EgyptAsia  EE%sT   1967 Jun  5
                        2:00    Zion    I%sT    1996
                        2:00    Jordan  EE%sT   1999
                        2:00 Palestine  EE%sT

There’s also some wonderful commentary in the various software libraries that embody the Olson database. Here’s Stuart Bishop on why pytz, the Python implementation, supports almost all of the Olson timezones:

As Saudi Arabia gave up trying to cope with their timezone definition, I see no reason to complicate my code further to cope with them. (I understand the intention was to set sunset to 0:00 local time, the start of the Islamic day. In the best case caused the DST offset to change daily and worst case caused the DST offset to change each instant depending on how you interpreted the ruling.)


It’s all deliciously absurd. And according to Paul Eggert, Ben Franklin is having the last laugh:

From Paul Eggert (2001-03-06):

Daylight Saving Time was first suggested as a joke by Benjamin Franklin in his whimsical essay “An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light” published in the Journal de Paris (1784-04-26). Not everyone is happy with the results.


So is Olson/Zoneinfo/tz a database or a document? Clearly both. And its synthesis of the two modes is, I would argue, a nice example of literate programming.

Querying mobile data objects with LINQ

I’m using US census data to look up the estimated populations of the cities and towns running elmcity hubs. The dataset is just plain old CSV (comma-separated variable), a format that’s more popular than ever thanks in part to a new wave of web-based data services like DabbleDB, ManyEyes, and others.

For my purposes, simple pattern matching was enough to look up the population of a city and state. But I’d been meaning to try out LINQtoCSV, the .NET equivalent of my old friend, Python’s csv module. As happens lately, I was struck by the convergence of the languages. Here’s a side-by-side comparison of Python and C# using their respective CSV modules to query for the population of Keene, NH:

Python C#
i_name = 5
i_statename = 6
i_pop2008 = 17
handle = urllib.urlopen(url)
reader = csv.reader(
  handle, delimiter=',')
rows = itertools.ifilter(lambda x : 
  x[i_name].startswith('Keene') and 
  x[i_statename] == 'New Hampshire', 
found_rows = list(rows)
count = len(found_rows)
if ( count > 0 ):
  pop = int(found_rows[0][i_pop2008])    
public class USCensusPopulationData
  public string NAME;
  public string STATENAME;
  ... etc. ...
  public string POP_2008;
var csv = new WebClient().
var stream = new MemoryStream(
var sr = new StreamReader(stream);
var cc = new CsvContext();
var fd = new CsvFileDescription { };
var reader = 
  cc.Read<USCensusPopulationData>(sr, fd);
var rows = reader.ToList();
var found_rows = rows.FindAll(row => 
  row.name.StartsWith('Keene') && 
  row.statename == 'New Hampshire');
var count = rows.Count;
if ( count > 0 )
  pop = Convert.ToInt32(

Things don’t line up quite as neatly as in my earlier example, or as in the A/B comparison (from way back in 2005) between my first LINQ example and Sam Ruby’s Ruby equivalent. But the two examples share a common approach based on iterators and filters.

This idea of running queries over simple text files is something I first ran into long ago in the form of the ODBC Text driver, which provides SQL queries over comma-separated data. I’ve always loved this style of data access, and it remains incredibly handy. Yes, some data sets are huge. But the 80,000 rows of that census file add up to only 8MB. The file isn’t growing quickly, and it can tell a lot of stories. Here’s one:

2000 - 2008 population loss in NH

-8.09% Berlin city
-3.67% Coos County
-1.85% Portsmouth city
-1.85% Plaistow town
-1.78% Balance of Coos County
-1.43% Claremont city
-1.02% Lancaster town
-0.99% Rye town
-0.81% Keene city
-0.23% Nashua city

In both Python and C# you can work directly with the iterators returned by the CSV modules to accomplish this kind of query. Here’s a Python version:

import urllib, itertools, csv

i_name = 5
i_statename = 6
i_pop2000 = 9
i_pop2008 = 17

def make_reader():
  handle = open('pop.csv')
  return csv.reader(handle, delimiter=',')

def unique(rows):
  dict = {}
  for row in rows:
    key = "%s %s %s %s" % (i_name, i_statename, 
      row[i_pop2000], row[i_pop2008])    
    dict[key] = row
  list = []
  for key in dict:
    list.append( dict[key] )
  return list

def percent(row,a,b):
  pct = - (  float(row[a]) / float(row[b]) * 100 - 100 )
  return pct

def change(x,state,minpop=1):
  statename = x[i_statename]
  p2000 = int(x[i_pop2000])
  p2008 = int(x[i_pop2008])
  return (  statename==state and 
            p2008 > minpop   and 
            p2008 < p2000 )

state = 'New Hampshire'

reader = make_reader()
reader.next() # skip fieldnames

rows = itertools.ifilter(lambda x : 
  change(x,state,minpop=3000), reader)

l = list(rows)
l = unique(l)
l.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(percent(x,i_pop2000,i_pop2008),

for row in l:
  print "%2.2f%% %s" % ( 
       row[i_name] )

A literal C# translation could do all the same things in the same ways: Convert the iterator into a list, use a dictionary to remove duplication, filter the list with a lambda function, sort the list with another lambda function.

As queries grow more complex, though, you tend to want a more declarative style. To do that in Python, you’d likely import the CSV file into a SQL database — perhaps SQLite in order to stay true to the lightweight nature of this example. Then you’d ship queries to the database in the form of SQL statements. But you’re crossing a chasm when you do that. The database’s type system isn’t the same as Python’s. And database’s internal language for writing functions won’t be Python either. In the case of SQLite, there won’t even be an internal language.

With LINQ there’s no chasm to cross. Here’s the LINQ code that produces the same result:

var census_rows = make_reader();

var distinct_rows = census_rows.Distinct(new CensusRowComparer());

var threshold = 3000;

var rows = 
  from row in distinct_rows
  where row.STATENAME == statename
      && Convert.ToInt32(row.POP_2008) > threshold
      && Convert.ToInt32(row.POP_2008) < Convert.ToInt32(row.POP_2000) 
  orderby percent(row.POP_2000,row.POP_2008) 
  select new
    name = row.NAME,
    pop2000 = row.POP_2000,
    pop2008 = row.POP_2008    

 foreach (var row in rows)
   Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00}% {1}",
     percent(row.pop2000,row.pop2008), row.name );

You can see the supporting pieces below. There are a number of aspects to this approach that I’m enjoying. It’s useful, for example, that every row of data becomes an object whose properties are available to the editor and the debugger. But what really delights me is the way that the query context and the results context share the same environment, just as in the Python example above. In this (slightly contrived) example I’m using the percent function in both contexts.

With LINQ to CSV I’m now using four flavors of LINQ in my project. Two are built into the .NET Framework: LINQ to XML, and LINQ to native .NET objects. And two are extensions: LINQ to CSV, and LINQ to JSON. In all four cases, I’m querying some kind of mobile data object: an RSS feed, a binary .NET object retrieved from the Azure blob store, a JSON response, and now a CSV file.

Six years ago I was part of a delegation from InfoWorld that visited Microsoft for a preview of technologies in the pipeline. At a dinner I sat with Anders Hejslberg and listened to him lay out his vision for what would become LINQ. There were two key goals. First, a single environment for query and results. Second, a common approach to many flavors of data.

I think he nailed both pretty well. And it’s timely because the cloud isn’t just an ecosystem of services, it’s also an ecosystem of mobile data objects that come in a variety of flavors.

private static float percent(string a, string b)
  var y0 = float.Parse(a);
  var y1 = float.Parse(b);
  return - ( y0 / y1 * 100 - 100);

private static IEnumerable<USCensusPopulationData> make_reader()
  var h = new FileStream("pop.csv", FileMode.Open);
  var bytes = new byte[h.Length];
  h.Read(bytes, 0, (Int32)h.Length);
  bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes));
  var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
  var sr = new StreamReader(stream);
  var cc = new CsvContext();
  var fd = new CsvFileDescription { };

  var census_rows = cc.Read<USCensusPopulationData>(sr, fd);
  return census_rows;

public class USCensusPopulationData
  public string SUMLEV;
  public string state;
  public string county;
  public string PLACE;
  public string cousub;
  public string NAME;
  public string STATENAME;
  public string POPCENSUS_2000;
  public string POPBASE_2000;
  public string POP_2000;
  public string POP_2001;
  public string POP_2002;
  public string POP_2003;
  public string POP_2004;
  public string POP_2005;
  public string POP_2006;
  public string POP_2007;
  public string POP_2008;

  public override string ToString()
      NAME + ", " + STATENAME + " " + 
      "pop2000=" + POP_2000 + " | " +
      "pop2008=" + POP_2008;

public class  CensusRowComparer : IEqualityComparer<USCensusPopulationData>
  public bool Equals(USCensusPopulationData x, USCensusPopulationData y)
    return x.NAME == y.NAME && x.STATENAME == y.STATENAME ;

  public int GetHashCode(USCensusPopulationData obj)
    var hash = obj.ToString();
    return hash.GetHashCode();

Familiar idioms in Perl, Python, JavaScript, and C#

When I started working on the elmcity project, I planned to use my language of choice in recent years: Python. But early on, IronPython wasn’t fully supported on Azure, so I switched to C#. Later, when IronPython became fully supported, there was really no point in switching my core roles (worker and web) to it, so I’ve proceeded in a hybrid mode. The core roles are written in C#, and a variety of auxiliary pieces are written in IronPython.

Meanwhile, I’ve been creating other auxiliary pieces in JavaScript, as will happen with any web project. The other day, at the request of a calendar curator, I used JavaScript to prototype a tag summarizer. This was so useful that I decided to make it a new feature of the service. The C# version was so strikingly similar to the JavaScript version that I just had to set them side by side for comparison:

JavaScript C#
var tagdict = new Object();

for ( i = 0; i < obj.length; i++ )
  var evt = obj[i];
  if ( evt["categories"] != undefined)
    var tags = evt["categories"].split(',');
    for (j = 0; j < tags.length; j++ )
      var tag = tags[j];
      if ( tagdict[tag] != undefined )
        tagdict[tag] = 1;
var tagdict = new Dictionary();

foreach (var evt in es.events)

  if (evt.categories != null)
    var tags = evt.categories.Split(',');
    foreach (var tag in tags)

      if (tagdict.ContainsKey(tag))
        tagdict[tag] = 1;
var sorted_keys = [];

for ( var tag in tagdict )

 { return tagdict[b] - tagdict[a] });
var sorted_keys = new List();

foreach (var tag in tagdict.Keys)

sorted_keys.Sort( (a, b) 
  => tagdict[b].CompareTo(tagdict[a]));

The idioms involved here include:

  • Splitting a string on a delimiter to produce a list

  • Using a dictionary to build a concordance of strings and occurrence counts

  • Sorting an array of keys by their associated occurrence counts

I first used these idioms in Perl. Later they became Python staples. Now here they are again, in both JavaScript and C#.

Ask and ye may receive, don’t ask and ye surely will not

This fall a small team of University of Toronto and Michigan State undergrads will be working on parts of the elmcity project by way of Undergraduate Capstone Open Source Projects (UCOSP), organized by Greg Wilson. In our first online meeting, the students decided they’d like to tackle the problem that FuseCal was solving: extraction of well-structured calendar information from weakly-structured web pages.

From a computer science perspective, there’s a fairly obvious path. Start with specific examples that can be scraped, then work toward a more general solution. So the first two examples are going to be MySpace and LibraryThing. The recipes[1, 2] I’d concocted for FuseCal-written iCalendar feeds were especially valuable because they could be used by almost any curator for almost any location.

But as I mentioned to the students, there’s another way to approach these two cases. And I was reminded of it again when Michael Foord pointed to this fascinating post prompted by the open source release of FriendFeed’s homegrown web server, Tornado. The author of the post, Glyph Lefkowitz, is the founder of Twisted, a Python-based network programming framework that includes the sort of asynchronous event-driven capabilities that FriendFeed recreated for Tornado. Glyph writes:

If you’re about to undergo a re-write of a major project because it didn’t meet some requirements that you had, please tell the project that you are rewriting what you are doing. In the best case scenario, someone involved with that project will say, “Oh, you’ve misunderstood the documentation, actually it does do that”. In the worst case, you go ahead with your rewrite anyway, but there is some hope that you might be able to cooperate in the future, as the project gradually evolves to meet your requirements. Somewhere in the middle, you might be able to contribute a few small fixes rather than re-implementing the whole thing and maintaining it yourself.

Whether FriendFeed could have improved the parts of Twisted that it found lacking, while leveraging its synergistic aspects, is a question only specialists close to both projects can answer. But Glyph is making a more general point. If you don’t communicate your intentions, such questions can never even be asked.

Tying this back to the elmcity project, I mentioned to the students that the best scraper for MySpace and LibraryThing calendars is no scraper at all. If these services produced iCalendar feeds directly, there would be no need. That would be the ideal solution — a win for existing users of the services, and for the iCalendar ecosystem I’m trying to bootstrap.

I’ve previously asked contacts at MySpace and LibraryThing about this. But now, since we’re intending to scrape those services for calendar info, it can’t hurt to announce that intention and hope one or both services will provide feeds directly and obviate the need. That way the students can focus on different problems — and there are plenty to choose from.

So I’ll be sending the URL of this post to my contacts at those companies, and if any readers of this blog can help move things along, please do. We may end up with scrapers anyway. But maybe not. Maybe iCalendar feeds have already been provided, but aren’t documented. Maybe they were in the priority stack and this reminder will bump them up. It’s worth a shot. If the problem can be solved by communicating intentions rather than writing redundant code, that’s the ultimate hack. And its one that I hope more computer science students will learn to aspire to.

FriendFeed for project collaboration

For me, FriendFeed has been a new answer to an old question — namely, how to collaborate in a loosely-coupled way with people who are using, and helping to develop, an online service. The elmcity project’s FriendFeed room has been an incredibly simple and effective way to interleave curated calendar feeds, blog postings describing the evolving service that aggregates those feeds, and discussion among a growing number of curators.

In his analysis of Where FriendFeed Went Wrong Dare Obasanjo describes the value of a handful of services (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in terms that would make sense to non-geeks like his wife. Here’s the elevator pitch for FriendFeed:

Republish all of the content from the different social networking media websites you use onto this site. Also one place to stay connected to what people are saying on multiple social media sites instead of friending them on multiple sites.

As usual, I’m an outlying data point. I’m using FriendFeed as a lightweight, flexible aggregator of feeds from my blog and from Delicious, and as a discussion forum. These feeds report key events in the life of the project: I added a new feature to the aggregator, the curator for Sasktatoon found and added a new calendar. The discussion revolves around strategies for finding or creating calendar feeds, features that curators would like me to add to the service, and problems they’re having with the service.

I doubt there’s a mainstream business model here. It’s valuable to me because I’ve created a project environment in which key events in the life of the project are already flowing through feeds that are available to be aggregated and discussed. Anyone could arrange things that way, but few people will.

It’s hugely helpful to me, though. And while I don’t know for sure that FriendFeed’s acquisition by FaceBook will end my ability to use FriendFeed in this way, I do need to start thinking about how I’d replace the service.

I don’t need a lot of what FriendFeed offers. Many of the services it can aggregate — Flickr, YouTube, SlideShare — aren’t relevant. And we don’t need realtime notification. So it really boils down to a lightweight feed aggregator married to a discussion forum.

One feature that FriendFeed’s API doesn’t offer, by the way, but that I would find useful, is programmatic control of the aggregator’s registry. When a new curator shows up, I have to manually add the associated Delicious feed to the FriendFeed room. It’d be nice to automate that.

Ideally FriendFeed will coast along in a way that lets me keep using it as I currently am. If not, it wouldn’t be too hard to recreate something that provides just the subset of FriendFeed’s services that I need. But ideally, of course, I’d repurpose an existing service rather than build a new one. If you’re using something that could work, let me know.

elmcity and WordPress MU: Questions and answers

In the spirit of keystroke conservation, I’m relaying some elmcity-related questions and answers from email to here. Hopefully it will attract more questions and more answers.

Dear Mr. Udell,

I am looking for a flexible calendar aggregator that I can use to report upcoming events for our college’s “Learning Commons” WordPress MU website, a site that will hopefully help keep our students abreast of events and opportunities taking place on campus.

1) Our site will be maintained using WordPress MU, so ideally the
display of the calendars, and/or event-lists will be handled by a
WordPress plugin. The one I am favouring is
http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-ics-importer/ . I have
tried this plugin and it almost does what we want.

Specifically, the plugin includes:

– a single widget that can display the “event-list” for one calendar;

– flexible options for displaying and aggregating calendars.

This plugin almost does what I want, but not quite.

a) The plugin is now limited to a single “events-list” widget. But with WordPress 2.8, it is possible to have many instances of a widget, so theoretically, I could display the “Diagnostic Tests” calendar in one instance , and the “Peer-tutoring” calendar in another widget instance.

b) It would be nice to have an option to display only the current week for specific calendars. While in other cases, it makes sense to display the entire month. And although I haven’t thought about it, likely displaying just the current day would be useful.

c) I would like flexibility over which calendars to aggregate, creating as many “topic” hubs as the current maintainer of the website might think useful for the students.

2) It would be nice to remove the calendar aggregation from the WordPress plugin, and handle that separately. Hopefully the calendars will change much less frequently than the website will be viewed. If I understand http://blog.jonudell.net/elmcity-project-faq/ properly, this might be possible using the elmcity-project.

For example, I think we could use “topical hub aggregation” to create a “diagnostic test calendar” that aggregates the holiday calendar and the different departments “diagnostic test” calendars. What I don’t understand is what is the output of “elmcity”. Does it output a single merged calendar (ics) that could be displayed by the above plugin? Is that a possibility?

Similarly, I believe I could create a different meta bookmark to aggregate our holiday calendar and our different peer-tutoring calendars (created by each department). Is this correct?

We have lots of groups, faculty, departments and staff on campus, and each wants to publicize their upcoming events. Letting them input and maintain their own calendars really seems to make sense. (Thanks for the idea. It seems clear this is the way to go, but I don’t seem to have the pieces to construct the output properly, as yet.)

I agree with your analysis that it would be better to have a separation of concerns between aggregation and display. So let’s do that, and start with aggregation.

I would like flexibility over which calendars to aggregate, creating as many “topic” hubs as the current maintainer of the website might think useful for the students.

I think the elmcity system can be helpful here. I’ve recently discovered that there are really two levels — what I’ve started to call curation and meta-curation.

I believe I could create bookmarks to aggregate our holiday calendar and our different peer-tutoring calendars (created by each department). Is this correct?

Right. It sounds like you’d want to curate a topic hub. It could be YourCollege, but if there may need to be other topic hubs you could choose a more specific name, like YourCollegeLearningCommons. That’d be your Delicious account name, and you’d be the “meta-curator” in this scenario.

As meta-curator you’d bookmark, in that Delicious account:

– Your holiday calendar

– Multiple departments’ calendars

Each of those would be managed by the responsible/authoritative person, using any software (Outlook, Google, Apple, Drupal, Notes, Live, etc.) that can publish an ICS feed.

There’s another level of flexibility using tags. In the above scenario, as meta-curator you could tag your holiday feed as holiday, and your LearningCommons feeds as LearningCommons, and then filter them accordingly.

What I don’t understand is what is the output of elmcity. Does it output a single merged calendar (ics) that could be displayed by the above plugin?

Yes. The outputs currently are:

Now, for the display options. So far, we’ve got:

  • Use the WordPress plugin to display merged ICS

  • Display the entire calendar as included (maybe customized) HTML

  • Display today’s events as included or script-sourced HTML

  • I have also just recently added a new method that enables things like this: http://jonudell.net/test/upcoming-widget.html

  • You can view the source to see how it’s done. The “API call” here is:


    Yours might be:





    This is brand new, as of yesterday. Actually I just realized I should use “upcoming” instead of “recent” so I’ll go and change that now :-) But you get the idea.

    The flexibility here is ultimately governed by:

    1. The curator’s expressive and disciplined use of tags to create useful views

    2. The kinds of queries I make available through the API. So far I’ve only been asked to do ‘next N events’ so that’s what I did yesterday. But my intention is to support every kind of query that’s feasible, and that people ask for. Things like a week’s worth, or a week’s worth in a category, are obvious next steps.

Two projects for civic-minded student programmers

One of the key findings of the elmcity project, so far, is that there’s a lot of calendar information online, but very little in machine-readable form. Transforming this implicit data about public events into explicit data is an important challenge. I’ve been invited to define the problem, for students who may want to tackle it as a school project. Here are the two major aspects I’ve identified.

A general scraper for calendar-like web pages

There are zillions of calendar-like web pages, like this one for Harlow’s Pub in Peterborough, NH. These ideally ought to be maintained using calendar programs that publish machine-readable iCalendar feeds which are also transformed and styled to create human-readable web pages. But that doesn’t (yet) commonly happen.

These web pages are, however, often amenable to scraping. And for a while, elmcity curators were making very effective use of FuseCal (1, 2, 3) to transform these kinds of pages into iCalendar feeds.

When that service shut down, I retained a list of the pages that elmcity curators were successfully transforming into iCalendar feeds using FuseCal. These are test cases for an HTML-to-iCalendar service. Anyone who’s handy with scraping libraries like Beautiful Soup can solve these individually. The challenge here is to create, by abstraction and generalization, an engine that can handle a significant swath of these cases.

A hybrid system for finding implicit recurring events and making them explicit

Lots of implicit calendar data online doesn’t even pretend to be calendar-like, and cannot be harvested using a scraper. Finding one-off events in this category is out of scope for my project. But finding recurring events seems promising. The singular effort required to publish one of these will pay ongoing dividends.

It’s helpful that the language people use to describe these events — “every Tuesday”, “third Saturday of every month” — is distinctive. To being exploring this domain, I wrote a specialized search robot that looks for these patterns, in conjunction with names of places. Its output is available for all the cities and towns participating in the elmcity project. For example, this page is the output for Keene, NH. It includes more than 2000 links to web pages — or, quite often, PDF files — some fraction of which represent recurring events.

In Finding and connecting social capital I showed a couple of cases where the pages found this way did, in fact, represent recurring events that could be added to an iCalendar feed.

To a computer scientist this looks like a problem that you might solve using a natural language parser. And I think it is partly that, but only partly. Let’s look at another example:

At first glance, this looks hopeful:

First Monday of each month: Dads Group, 105 Castle Street, Keene NH

But the real world is almost always messier than that. For starters, that image comes from the Monadnock Men’s Resource Center’s Fall 2004 newsletter. So before I add this to a calendar, I’ll want to confirm the information. The newsletter is hosted at the MMRC site. Investigation yields these observations:

  • The most recent issue of the newsletter was Winter ’06

  • The last-modified date of the MMRC home page is September 2008

  • As of that date, the Dads Group still seems to have been active, under a slightly different name: Parent Outreach Project, DadTime Program, 355-3082

  • There’s no email address, only a phone number.

So I called the number, left a message, and will soon know the current status.

What kind of software-based system can help us scale this gnarly process? There is an algorithmic solution, surely, but it will need to operate in a hybrid environment. The initial search-driven discovery of candidate events can be done by an automated parser tuned for this domain. But the verification of candidates will need to be done by human volunteers, assisted by software that helps them:

  • Divide long lists of candidates into smaller batches

  • Work in parallel on those batches

  • Evaluate the age and provenance of candidates

  • Verify or disqualify candidates based on discoverable evidence, if possible

  • Otherwise, find appropriate email addresses (preferably) or phone numbers, and manage the back-and-forth communication required to verify or disqualify a candidate

  • Refer event sponsors to a calendar publishing how-to, and invite them to create data feeds that can reliably syndicate

Students endowed with the geek gene are likely to gravitate toward the first problem because it’s cleaner. But I hope I can also attract interest in the second problem. We really need people who can hack that kind of real-world messiness.

Curation, meta-curation, and live Net radio

I’ve long been dissatisfied with how we discover and tune into Net radio. This iTunes screenshot illustrates the problem:

Start with a genre, pick a station in that genre, then listen to that station. This just doesn’t work for me. I like to listen to a lot of different things. And I especially value serendipitous recommendations from curators whose knowledge and preferences diverge radically from my own.

Yes there’s Pandora, but what I’ve been wanting all along is a way to enable and then subscribe to curators who guide me to what’s playing now on the live streams coming from radio stations around the world. It’s Wednesday morning, 11AM Eastern Daylight Time, and I know there are all kinds of shows playing right now. But how do I materialize a view for this moment in time — or for tonight at 9PM, or for Sunday morning at 10AM — across that breadth and wealth of live streams?

I started thinking about schedules of radio programs, and about calendars, and about BBC Backstage — because I’ll be interviewing Ian Forrester for an upcoming episode of my podcast — and I landed on this blog post which shows how to form an URL that retrieves upcoming episodes of a BBC show as an iCalendar feed.

Meanwhile, I’ve just created a new mode for the elmcity calendar aggregator. Now instead of creating a geographical hub, which combines events from Eventful and Upcoming and events from a list of iCalendar feeds — all for one location — you can create a topical hub whose events are governed only by time, not by location.

Can these ingredients combine to solve my Net radio problem? Could a curator for an elmcity topical aggregator cherrypick favorite shows from around the Net, and create a calendar that shows me what’s playing right now?

It seems plausible, so I spun up a new topical hub in the elmcity aggregator and started experimenting.

I began with the BBC’s iCalendar feeds. But evidently they don’t include VTIMEZONE components, which means calendar clients (or aggregators) can’t translate UK times to other times.

I ran into a few other issues, which perhaps can be sorted out when I chat with Ian Forrester. But meanwhile, since the universe of Net radio is much vaster than the BBC, and since most of it won’t be accessible in the form of data feeds, I stepped back for a broader view.

Really, anyone can publish an event that gives the time for a live show, plus a link to its player. And when a show happens on a regular recurring schedule, the little bit of effort it takes to publish that event pays recurring dividends.

Consider, for example, Nic Harcourt’s Sounds Eclectic. It’s on at these (Pacific) times: SUN 6:00A-8:00A, SAT 2:00P-4:00P, SAT 10:00P-12:00A. You can plug these into any calendar program as recurring events. And if you publish a feed, it’s not only available to you from any calendar client, it’s also available to any other calendar client — or to any aggregator.

Here’s a calendar with three recurring events for Sounds Eclectic, plus one recurring event for WICN’s Sunday jazz show, plus a single non-recurring event — the BBC’s Folkscene — which will be on the BBC iPlayer on Thursday at 4:05PM my time and 9:05PM UK time. If you load the calendar feed into a client — Outlook, Apple iCal, Google Calendar, Lotus Notes — you’ll see these events translated into your local timezone.

Note that Live Calendar is especially handy for publishing events from many different timezones. That’s because like Outlook, but unlike Google Calendar, it enables you to specify timezones on a per-event basis. So instead of having to enter the Sunday morning recurrence of Sounds Eclectic as 9AM Eastern Daylight, I can enter it as 6AM Pacific Daylight Time. Likewise Folkscene: I can enter 9:05 British Summer Time. Since these are the times that appear on the shows’ websites, it’s natural to use them.

This sort of calendar is great for personal use. But I’m looking for the Webjay of Net radio. And I think maybe elmcity topical hubs can help enable that.

There’s a way of using these topical hubs I hadn’t thought of until Tony Karrer created one. Tony runs TechEmpower, a software, web, and eLearning development firm. He wants to track and publish online eLearning events, so he’s managing them in Google Calendar and syndicating them through an elmcity topical hub to his website.

A topical hub, like a geographic hub, is controlled by a Delicious account whose owner maintains a list of feeds. I’d been thinking of the account owner as the curator, and of the feeds as homogeneous sources of events: school board meetings, soccer games, and so on.

But then Tony partnered with another organization that tracks webinars, invited that group to publish its own feed, added it to the eLearning hub, and wrote a blog post entitled Second Calendar Curator Joins to Help with List of Free Webinars:

The initial list of calendar entries, we added ourselves. But I’m pleased to announce that we’ve just signed up our second calendar curator – Coaching Ourselves. Their events are now appearing in the listings. … It is exactly because we can distribute the load of keeping this list current that makes me think this will work really well in the long run.

This probably shouldn’t have surprised me, but it did. I’d been thinking in terms of curators, feeds, and events. What Tony showed me is that you can also (optionally) think in terms of meta-curators, curators, feeds, and events. In this example, Tony is himself a curator, but he is also a meta-curator — that is, a collector of curators.

I’d love to see this model evolve in the realm of Net radio. If you want to join the experiment, just use any calendar program to keep track of some of your favorite recurring shows. (Again, it’s very helpful to use one that supports per-event timezones.) Then publish the shows as an iCalendar feed, and send me the URL. As the meta-curator of delicious.com/InternetRadio, as well as the curator of jonu.calendar.live.com/calendar/InternetRadio/index.html, I’ll have two options. If I like most or all of the shows you like, I can add your feed to the hub. If I only like some of the shows you like, I can cherrypick them for my feed. Either way, the aggregated results will be available as XML, as JSON, and as an iCalendar feed that can flow into calendar clients or aggregators.

Naturally there can also be other meta-curators. To become one, designate a Delicious account for the purpose, spin up your own topical hub, and tell me about it.

Topical event hubs

The elmcity project began with a focus on aggregating events for communities defined by places: cities, towns. But I realized a while ago that it could also be used to aggregate events for communities defined by topics. So now I’m building out that capability. One early adopter tracks and promotes online events in the e-learning domain. Another tracks and promotes conferences and events related to environmentally-sustainable business practices.

The curation method is very similar to what’s defined in the elmcity project FAQ. To define a topic hub you use a Delicious account, you create a metadata URL as shown in the FAQ, and you use what= instead of where= to define a topic instead of a location. Since there’s no location, there’s no aggregation of Eventful and Upcoming events. The topical hub is driven purely by your registry of iCalendar feeds.

If you (or somebody you know) needs to curate events by topic, and would like try this method, please get in touch. I’d love to have you help me define how this can work, and discover where it can go.

Why we need an XML representation for iCalendar



On this week’s Innovators show I got together with two of the authors of a new proposal for representing iCalendar in XML. Mike Douglass is lead developer of the Bedework Calendar System, and Steven Lees is Microsoft’s program manager for FeedSync and chair of the XML technical committee in CalConnect, the Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium.

What’s proposed is no more, but no less, than a well-defined two-way mapping between the current non-XML-based iCalendar format and an equivalent XML format. So, for example, here’s an event — the first low tide of 2009 in Myrtle Beach, SC — in iCalendar format:

SUMMARY:Low Tide 0.39 ft

And here’s the equivalent XML:

      <date-time utc='yes'>
      <date-time utc='yes'>
      <text>Low Tide 0.39 ft</text>

The mapping is quite straightforward, as you can see. At first glance, the XML version just seems verbose. So why bother? Because the iCalendar format can be tricky to read and write, either directly (using eyes and hands) or indirectly (using software). That’s especially true when, as is typical, events include longer chunks of text than you see here.

I make an analogy to the RSS ecosystem. When I published my first RSS feed a decade ago, I wrote it by hand. More specifically, I copied an existing feed as a template, and altered it using cut-and-paste. Soon afterward, I wrote the first of countless scripts that flowed data through similar templates to produce various kinds of RSS feeds.

Lots of other people did the same, and that’s part of the reason why we now have a robust network of RSS and Atom feeds that carries not only blogs, but all kinds of data packets.

Another part of the reason is the Feed Validator which, thanks to heroic efforts by Mark Pilgrim and Sam Ruby, became and remains the essential sanity check for anybody who’s whipping up an ad-hoc RSS or Atom feed.

No such ecosystem exists for iCalendar. I’ve been working hard to show why we need one, but the most compelling rationale comes from a Scott Adams essay that I quoted from in this blog entry. Dilber’s creator wrote:

I think the biggest software revolution of the future is that the calendar will be the organizing filter for most of the information flowing into your life. You think you are bombarded with too much information every day, but in reality it is just the timing of the information that is wrong. Once the calendar becomes the organizing paradigm and filter, it won’t seem as if there is so much.

If you buy that argument, then we’re going to need more than a handful of applications that can reliably create and exchange calendar data. We’ll want anyone to whip up a calendar feed as easily as anyone can now whip up an RSS/Atom feed.

We’ll also need more than a handful of parsers that can reliably read calendar feeds, so that thousands of ad-hoc applications, services, and scripts will be able consume all the new streams of time-and-date-oriented information.

I think that a standard XML representation of iCalendar will enable lots of ad-hoc producers and consumers to get into the game, and collectively bootstrap this new ecosystem. And that will enable what Scott Adams envisions.

Here’s a small but evocative example. Yesterday I started up a new instance of the elmcity aggregator for Myrtle Beach, SC. The curator, Dave Slusher, found a tide table for his location, and it offers an iCalendar feed. So the Myrtle Beach calendar for today begins like this:

Thu Jul 23 2009


Thu 03:07 AM Low Tide -0.58 ft (Tide Table for Myrtle Beach, SC)


Thu 06:21 AM Sunrise 6:21 AM EDT (Tide Table for Myrtle Beach, SC)
Thu 09:09 AM High Tide 5.99 ft (Tide Table for Myrtle Beach, SC)
Thu 10:00 AM Free Coffee Fridays (eventful: )
Thu 10:00 AM Summer Arts Project at The Market Common (eventful: )
Thu 10:00 AM E.B. Lewis: Story Painter (eventful: )

Imagine this kind of thing happening on the scale of the RSS/Atom feed ecosystem. The lack of an agreed-upon XML representation for iCalendar isn’t the only reason why we don’t have an equally vibrant ecosystem of calendar feeds. But it’s an impediment that can be swept away, and I hope this proposal will finally do that.

More fun than herding servers

Until recently, the elmcity calendar aggregator was running as a single instance of an Azure worker role. The idea all along, of course, was to exploit the system’s ability to farm out the work of aggregation to many workers. Although the sixteen cities currently being aggregated don’t yet require the service to scale beyond a single instance, I’d been meaning to lay the foundation for that. This week I finally did.

Will there ever be hundreds or thousands of participating cities and towns? Maybe that’ll happen, maybe it won’t, but the gating factor will not be my ability to babysit servers. That’s a remarkable change from just a few years ago. Over the weekend I read Scott Rosenberg’s new history of blogging, Say Everything. Here’s a poignant moment from 2001:

Blogger still lived a touch-and-go existence. Its expenses had dropped from a $50,000-a-month burn rate to a few thousand in rent and technical costs for bandwidth and such; still, even that modest budget wasn’t easy to meet. Eventually [Evan] Williams had to shut down the office entirely and move the servers into his apartment. He remembers this period as an emotional rollercoaster. “I don’t know how I’m going to pay the rent, and I can’t figure that out because the server’s not running, and I have to stay up all night, trying to figure out Linux, and being hacked, and then fix that.”

I’ve been one of those guys who babysits the server under the desk, and I’m glad I won’t ever have to go back there again. What I will have to do, instead, is learn how to take advantage of the cloud resources now becoming available. But I’m finding that to be an enjoyable challenge.

In the case of the calendar aggregator, which needs to map many worker roles to many cities, I’m using a blackboard approach. Here’s a snapshot of it, from an aggregator run using only a single worker instance:

     id: westlafcals
  start: 7/14/2009 12:12:05 PM
   stop: 7/14/2009 12:14:46 PM
running: False

     id: networksierra
  start: 7/14/2009 12:14:48 PM
   stop: 7/14/2009 12:15:05 PM
running: False

     id: localist
  start: 7/14/2009 12:15:06 PM
   stop: 7/14/2009  5:37:03 AM
running: True

     id: aroundfred
  start: 7/14/2009  5:37:05 AM
   stop: 7/14/2009  5:39:20 AM
running: False

The moving finger wrote westlafcals (West Lafayette) and networksierra (Sonora), it’s now writing localist (Baltimore), and will next write aroundfred (Fredericksburg).

Here’s a snapshot from another run using two worker instances:

     id: westlafcals
  start: 7/14/2009 10:12:05 PM
   stop: 7/14/2009  4:37:03 AM
running: True

     id: networksierra
  start: 7/14/2009 10:12:10 PM
   stop: 7/14/2009 10:13:05 PM
running: False

     id: localist
  start: 7/14/2009 10:13:06 PM
   stop: 7/14/2009  4:41:12 AM
running: True

     id: aroundfred
  start: 7/14/2009  4:41:05 AM
   stop: 7/14/2009  4:42:20 AM
running: False

Now there are two moving fingers. One’s writing westlafcals, one has written networksierra, one’s writing localist, and one or the other will soon write aroundfred. The total elapsed time will be very close to half what it was in the single-instance case. I’d love to crank up the instance count and see an aggregation run rip through all the cities in no time flat. But the Azure beta caps the instance count at two.

The blackboard is an Azure table with one record for each city. Records are flexible bags of name/value pairs. If you make a REST call to the table service to query for one of those records, the Atom payload that comes back looks like this:

   <d:start>7/14/2009 4:41:05 AM</d:start>
   <d:stop>7/14/2009 4:42:20 AM</d:stop>

At the start of a cycle, each worker wakes up, iterates through all the cities, aggregates those not claimed by other workers, and then sleeps until the next cycle. To claim a city, a worker tries to create a record in a parallel Azure table, using the PartitionKey locks instead of blackboard. If the worker succeeds in doing that, it considers the city locked for its own use, it aggregates the city’s calendars, and then it deletes the lock record. If the worker fails to create that record, it considers the city locked by another worker and moves on.

This cycle is currently one hour. But in order to respect the various services it pulls from, the service defines the interval between aggregation runs to be 8 hours. So when a worker claims a city, it first checks to see if the last aggregation started more than 8 hours ago. If not, the worker skips that city.

Locks can be abandoned. That could happen if a worker hangs or crashes, or when I redeploy a new version of the service. So the worker also checks to see if a lock has been hanging around longer than the aggregation interval. If so, it overrides the lock and aggregates that city.

I’m sure this scheme isn’t bulletproof, but I reckon it doesn’t need to be. If two workers should happen to wind up aggregating the same city at about the same time, it’s no big deal. The last writer wins, a little extra work gets done.

Anyway, I’ll be watching the blackboard over the next few days. There’s undoubtedly more tinkering to do. And it’s a lot more fun than herding servers.

Strategic choices for calendar publishers

Although I haven’t been able to confirm this officially yet, it looks like FuseCal, the HTML screen-scraping service that I’ve been using (and recommending) as a way to convert calendar-like web pages into iCalendar feeds, has shut down.

The web pages that FuseCal has been successfully processing, for several curators participating in the elmcity project, are listed below. They’re a kind of existence proof, validating the notion that unstructured calendar info — what people intuitively create — can be mechanically transformed into structured info that syndicates reliably.

I hope this service, or some future variant of it, will continue. It’s a really useful way to help people grasp the concept of publishing calendar feeds.

But in the long run, it’s a set of training wheels. Ultimately we need to teach people why and how to produce such feeds more directly. All of the event information shown below could be managed in a more structured way using calendar software that produces data feeds for syndication and web pages for browsing.

More broadly, incidents like this prompt us to consider the nature of the services ecosystem we’re all embedded in — as users and, increasingly, as co-creators. In the software business, developers have long since learned to evaluate the benefits and risks of “taking a dependency” on a component, library, or service. Users didn’t have to think too much about that. A software product that was discontinued would keep working perfectly well, maybe for years. But services can — and sometimes do — stop abruptly.

Since the elmcity project is embedded in a services ecosystem, as both a provider and a consumer, how should a curator evaluate service dependencies and their associated risks and benefits? Here are some guidelines.

Many eggs, many baskets

An instance of the calendar aggregator gathers events from three main sources: Eventful (service #1), Upcoming (service #2), and a curated set of iCalendar feeds. A subset of those feeds may (until recently) have been mediated by FuseCal (service #3). So there were three main service dependencies here, and that’s one form of diversification.

But the iCalendar feeds represent another, and more powerful, form of diversification. One may be served up by a Drupal system, one may be an ICS file posted from Outlook 2007, one may be an instance of Google Calendar. Each depends on its own supporting services, but the ecosystem is very diverse.

Data and service portability

The elmcity project isn’t a database of events, but rather an aggregator of feeds of events. What matters in this case is portability of metadata describing the feeds, as well as data describing events. The system depends on Delicious for the management of the metadata. But all this metadata is replicated to Azure for safekeeping.

Since the elmcity project does run on Azure, there’s clearly a strong dependence on that platform’s compute and storage services. But I could run the code on another host — even another cloud-based host, thanks to Amazon’s EC2 for Windows. Likewise I could store blobs and tables in Amazon’s S3 and SimpleDB.

Strategic choices

In this context, the use of FuseCal was a strategic choice. There isn’t a readily available replacement, and that’s a recipe for the sort of disruption we’ve just experienced. But since the system is diversified, that disruption is contained. Was the benefit provided by this unique service worth the cost of disruption? Some curators may disagree, but I think the answer is yes. It was really helpful to be able to show people that informational web pages are implicitly data feeds, and to show what can happen when those data feeds are made explicit.

Still, it was a crutch. Ultimately we want people to stand on their own two feet, and take direct control of the information they publish to the web. FuseCal had to guess which times went with which events, and sometimes guessed wrong. If you’re publishing the event, you want to state these facts unambiguously. And using a variety of methods, as I’ve shown, you can. Those methods are the real strategic choices. If you can publish your own data feed, simply and inexpensively, you should seize the opportunity to do so

Calendar pages successfully parsed by FuseCal







