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Poster: kamranjune Date: May 7, 2006 1:12pm
Forum: faqs Subject: What is the oldest page on the Wayback Machine?
What is the oldest page on the Wayback Machine?

I can't find a posting on this. This should be posted somewhere prominent.

The oldest page I have been able to find is

That was one of the first pages I visited on the web in 1996 and ironically it is older than any other page I have found on the Wayback machine.

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Poster: ayo hol_up Date: May 31, 2023 1:24pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: What is the oldest page on the Wayback Machine?
I think I found the oldest one so far!

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Poster: bddxp Date: Jan 26, 2022 7:53am
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: What is the oldest page on the Wayback Machine?
This is an excellent discussion!

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Poster: YeepBeepMaSkeep Date: Jun 21, 2019 11:31am
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: What is the oldest page on the Wayback Machine?
these are some old messages

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Poster: RealLukeLudicrous Date: Jul 13, 2021 9:01am
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: What is the oldest page on the Wayback Machine?
I found this

10th May, 1996

Made an account just to post this!

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Poster: Tatiana Oraz Date: Jul 5, 2022 1:15am
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: What is the oldest page on the Wayback Machine?
I once read that one of the oldest domains was, but now it doesn't look like that anymore. Thanks, great topic!

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Poster: kamranjune Date: Aug 18, 2019 4:18pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: What is the oldest page on the Wayback Machine?
13 YEARS LATER: Coincidentally, after 13 years I happened upon this page today again also in 2019 YeepBeepMaSkeep.

After doing a little research today it seems I may have happened upon the oldest page on when I last posted on May 7, 2006, which coincidentally again was almost exactly 10 years after the was started by Brewster Kahle and others on May 12, 1996.

So, the oldest page on may be which was archived on May 12, 1996. There may be other pages crawled and archived on May 12, 1996 as well.

Possible Good Ideas for the Future of

1. There is another interesting observation with the passing of decades: A person may want to not show an archived a site while alive, but after death, that person may want to show that site. I asked to not show my personal site that I had made 15 years ago which shows my younger days, but I would like it to be on starting in 60 years. If future programmers of can provide hide until expiration date option, whereby a site is still crawled via robots.txt but can be hidden until the future that would be beneficial to this great project of archiving the internet.

2. Archiving Databases and Deeper Level Links/File Servers

3. Archiving DNS records

Thank you to Brewster Kahle and others. (I hope Larry Ellison is donating to this cause.)
I forgot to add 2 more notes:
1. itself was not archived on May 12, 1996. According to a search today it was first archived on January 26, 1997:
2. Email Address Archive would be good. One of the most popular sites on the internet hosting the email address, no longer exists, and my account from 13 years ago, when I made the last post, is tied to that email address. My email address has changed from 13 years ago, so I did not get notification of this post, I just happened to have the same question again today and I remembered that I had asked on this forum 13 years ago. Fortunately I remembered my old email address and password which I am using to post here. (This all fits within the time lapse and fading memory over time theme which which is a world problem helps solve. I hope Brewster Kahle or his progeny read this post and consider it.) 3. The reason I searched for infoseek is that I remembered on May 7, 2006 when I wrote the last post, that circa November 1995 as a freshman in high school I happened to enter my high school library computer lab one day after school and the upperclassman in charge of the lab said I can check out this thing called the internet and he flipped on a switch on a dialup modem, Netscape Navigator opened up with a cool swirling globe icon, and infoseek must have been either the home page or the default search engine. That was my first time on the internet which people may or may not remember. Altavista, Webcrawler, and Excite were three other search pages I visited that day. There were graphic box ads all over the place.
This post was modified by kamranjune on 2019-08-18 23:18:22

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Poster: Spuzz Date: May 7, 2006 1:47pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: What is the oldest page on the Wayback Machine?

I'd suggest you go here..

That'll give you some time travels :)

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Poster: Swapardeshi Date: Jun 11, 2022 3:11am
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: What is the oldest page on the Wayback Machine?

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Poster: Diana Hamilton Date: May 7, 2006 9:54pm
Forum: faqs Subject: Re: What is the oldest page on the Wayback Machine?
The second sentence on this prominent page
says, "Founded in 1996" so you may have found one of the oldest ones already!