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Username: coopoakpark
Date/Time: Tue, November 14, 2000 at 4:29 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Internet suffix      .co-op


        I write to you on behalf of the 5,975 members of Cooperative Services, Inc.  We are very much in support of a internet suffix

Since 'coop/co-op' is internationaly recognized by cooperatives, their members, and their customers, we feel that
.co-op would be a strong addition to existing TLD's.

Cooperative Services, Inc. is in the process of building our web page and it would be beneficial to have .co-op as a well known suffix.

We urge ICANN to approve .co-op as the Special Purpose TLD that will truly link the cooperatives of the globe to the internet.

Thank you,
Pat Radke
Cooperative Services, Inc.    


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