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Username: Truthseeker
Date/Time: Sun, November 5, 2000 at 11:24 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V4.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: ARTA Untruths


      Mr Hawks,

Based on posting above yours it would appear you do not speak for the 3,000 ACTA members.

I wonder if you have some alternative motives. It seems that I have heard USTAR and CSTAR are trying to launch their own GDS. If ICANN accepts the IATA proposal the value of such a venture would be in question. Perhaps you should jump on the travelocity band wagon.

Also suggest you read the proposal. You state correctly that the ICANN goal is to promote competition in registration services, when I read the IATA proposal they say that all travel assocations will be incouraged to become registrars so what are you talking about? Under the IATA proposal your own organisation could become a registrar.

If you are so concerned, as you state about the CRS's, why would you not support a proposal like .travel that helps solve consumer confidence issues and expands the use of the internet to provide open global access.

I also wonder why you and your organisation did not put up the money and effort to apply for .travel.


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