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Username: mental health
Date/Time: Fri, November 3, 2000 at 9:25 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Support for .pro TLD


        November 3, 2000

To the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers:

I am writing to express the National Mental Health Association’s (NMHA) support of RegistryPro’s application for the .pro TLD.

As the country’s oldest and largest nonprofit organization addressing all aspects of mental health and mental illness, NMHA works to ensure that individuals have the information they need to make informed choices about their mental healthcare.  Since most of the 70 million people searching for health information online are seeking resources on depression and other mental illnesses, we are concerned about the credibility of mental health information online. 

As a result, we support any efforts to improve the reliability and accessibility of online sources and believe that the .pro TLD will assist in these efforts.  By providing a domain for health professionals, RegistryPro can offer consumers an easier way to navigate the Internet and find a health care provider that best meets their needs.  In addition, we are very interested in collaborating with RegistryPro to extend the .pro TLD specifically to mental health professionals with a designation to improve access to care and further reduce stigma. 

NMHA looks forward to working with RegistryPro on the new registry.

James A. Radack
Senior Director, Communications
National Mental Health Association


Link: National Mental Health Association

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