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Username: jandl
Date/Time: Fri, October 27, 2000 at 10:52 PM GMT (Fri, October 27, 2000 at 6:52 PM EDT)
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: There is nothing underground about the ORSC rootzone


      Perhaps you should do your homework.  BIZ was created in 1995.  It was never underground.  It is in the ORSC rootzone.  Read your history and then discuss it, okay?  Attacking legitimate domain name holders is not the way to go simply because they don't want to see anyone usurp their names.  It is much like having a store on main street and watching as a mega corp opens a store across the street or around the corner with the same name as yours and selling knock offs of your services (using exact match names) and products.  In most cities, you would have recourse and would sue the pants off that corp.  They would have to change their name at the very least if you were there first, even if the store name was not trademarkable, such as "hardware store."  That mega corp could be accused of restraint of trade, I believe. You would have this recourse even if the city council allowed it.  As a matter of fact, the city could be sued for allowing it.

In this case, it would mean changing the TLD.


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