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Username: fnord
Date/Time: Sun, July 9, 2000 at 12:41 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: need for TLDs


        Venster writes:

>Why do people want a .union? And who wants it? Is it usefull to create a TLD for a very limited number of second level domains that can easily be found place for in .org? After .union we will have calls for .church, .museum (already mentioned in proposals), .party (in many countries there are more than two), .ath(letics), just to mention a few strictly non-commercial bodies. These should be in .org.I agree that they should have been in .org, but that was before NSI opened com/net/org to anyone for anything. The three might as well be indistinguishable now. Someone suggested here that we go back and do it right, throw the non-orgs out of .org the non-coms out of .com, etc. but that is probably impossible.

I agree with you and your site that there are plenty of good names available. I don't think new TLDs should be created in response to some imagined scarcity. And if the scarcity is real everyone registering other versions of their names in other TLDs, and all the speculators, will leave us in the same position, only more confused.

If that was all there was to it, I'd say (and used to) 'no new tlds'.
However I now think new TLDs should be created to solve apparent and long-standing problems. Trademark holders should have their own .reg domains for example. This would get rid of cybersquatting. Creating .adult and/or .kids may help to solve what some see as a problem. Creating .union would serve a different purpose, so would .church.

If groups, either commercial or otherwise, can see a need for such, if they can write up a proposal showing there is interest, come up with a charter, why shouldn't they be allowed to apply for and ultimately receive a TLD. I don't think this should be done all at once, create a few domains for TM business interests to see what the result will be, create an .adult and/or .kids to see what the result will be. Create a .union or similar to see what the results will be. Bring in .web and its database to see what the results will be. Bring in one other open domain to see what the results will be.

There, that totals 6-10 new TLDs of different form and function which can be seen as a decent testbed. If any or all of these tests fail we will still learn something and there won't be any harm done to the DNS, they've added lots of ccTLDs without major problems. If .adult falls flat, there's no harm in that either to the DNS or to the consumer. .int is a TLD, do you see it inconveniencing anyone by its existence?

If we are going to have new TLDs soon of some type or another (which seems likely), then it seems to me that just creating an open .biz and .shop and etc. will solve no existing problems, and tell us what we already know, that undifferentiated open domains make no sense.

Therefore why not use this opportunity to deal with the perceived trademark problem, the perceived porn problem, the perceived .web problem, as well as make TLDs more user friendly. If we don't do it with this first rollout it will be more difficult or impossible in future depending on what else is rolled out in its stead.
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