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Username: chadlupkes
Date/Time: Sat, July 8, 2000 at 6:15 PM GMT (Sat, July 8, 2000 at 10:15 AM PST)
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: What is the required structure of TLD's anyway?


If I want to find a person or a company, I want to type their name into my browser and have their webpage come up.

Why have we limited the gTLD's to 2-4 characters?  If the name level can support up to 26 characters, why not the top level?  For example, right now I have registered for my personal website.  I think it would me more logical to type in chad.lupkes with 'lupkes' being the top level, and 'chad' being the name level.  yes, I know this would cause some problems for people named John Smith, but hey, it's an idea.

For businesses, this could open things up nicely.  Are dots absolutely required in domain names?  If not, then to find The Boeing Company, I should just be able to type in 'boeing', and there we are.

Would this method be easier than the others for protecting trademarks and copyrights?  If we have a trademark on a name, how much protection do we really have vs someone who goes out and spends the money to grab,,,, etc.  I'm not proposing that we eliminate TLD's completely, because they will always be there, but would it be possible to open up the system a little so it would be more like the news servers, maybe with a new protocol in parallel to 'http'.  example:  find://chad.lupkes  or  find://boeing


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