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Username: Garry Anderson
Date/Time: Wed, June 28, 2000 at 1:55 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: EASY Ways to make Money - Part II


Trademark holders - you are obligated, by law, to protect your mark.

Some new businesses are willing to squeeze cash out of you for this.

Like Inc. and Name (Trademark Guardian), who charge 595 dollars a year to look for conflicting trademarks.

As if registrars aren't making enough easy money. LOADS, just for typing in a record into a database and collecting ongoing fees, for ever and ever.

There will be a VERY MANY conflicts - sound alikes, minor variations and different ccTLD etc. Are you going to sue them all? With two hundred countries, possibly thousands of others ligitimately with the same name as yours - it is impossible.

Put Trademark Guardian and their like out of business, you should not even have to protect your name on the Internet.

Dot REG will protect it for you.

Litigatious Mad Attorneys, the above is my true considered and informed opinion.


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