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Username: Garry Anderson
Date/Time: Wed, June 28, 2000 at 9:34 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Hairy Man ;-)


> As for ccTLDs being used for gTLDs: that is a fact.

Would not argue with you there. Never have, never will.

> opening up of .net and .org was the end of structure and prettiness in TLD-structures. So why moan about this?

This forum is the place to talk about the future of TLD. To do that it is best to look at the past. You learn from history. For instance - do you trust everything your Government tells you?

> Accept it and face this reality:
Everyone wants their .com name. The ccTLDs are second or third choice. So will .web and their likes be. They are not and never will be's.

Spot on, agree with you 100 percent. Although I have not got - even though it is still available. I would really have liked it, but HAD TO make this point: *snippet from protest site*

(I) got the less prestigious dot CO dot UK instead. It is more important that customers can find and recognize you, than being Mr 'IGotThereFirst.COM'. MOST businesses cannot have the .COM they want.

> So why have more of them?

Well, there is another family elsewhere that would not mind the domain you chucked away. Also, small business needs dot REG to protect THEIR trademark on the Internet. Also, it gives you greater freedom. Also, ......... is nothing to do with


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