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Username: friedrich
Date/Time: Sun, June 25, 2000 at 7:34 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: friendly acces?


                                        "Adding some kind of geographic or classification limitation on the address would defeat the point of friendly addresses, as the public wouldn't understand the system."

So does
It was formed by two parts ".co" and ".uk" AND nobody thought it to be "unfriendly". Why should "" be unfriendly then?

You can not offer a new fair system with justice to all, BUT NO change to the existing system.

If you think that a "" cctld would be unfriendly, there is no other solution than stating that trademark protection does NOT extend to the Internet at all, BECAUSE it would be too unfriendly in practice. You can't be serious about that!


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