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Username: Merlin
Date/Time: Fri, June 16, 2000 at 1:42 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.08 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: All.WEB "Registrations" are Valid!!


I would like to state first, that yes I am a registrant of some .web domains through IOD and I wouldn't want  to mislead anyone.

In my situation I have only known of .web from approx 2 months ago however upon further study realized that the IOD registry has been there for me had I taken the time to look. When I first found the registry certainly there was registrations of domains I wanted but I moved on and am pleased with what I have. Loooking back on things I tried to garner a handful of .coms that were to be useful to me, they were already taken. Well that's life! I never said do it over because I didn't get my way, if that is how business in this country was conducted we wouldn't get anywhere.
The fact is IOD has in my opinion put together a very professional registry that I believe is at the level of the best out there, They obviously have expended there time, going back to 1996 and probably a significant anmount of money. I personally so no legitimate reason for them not to be the .web registry and included in the root server.
Objectively speaking what more could be asked of someone to prove that they are right for the job!
I would like to address this question of those who would love to invalidate the registrations in .web, which by the way are still active as we speak and certainly if one was to spend the time there are so many good names available that I for one would run out money before domains I would consider having. The fact is back before ICANN the legal entity at the time was IANA and to get to the point there was a contract and consideration of funds that allowed IOD to establish the .web registry. That to me in itself has IOD with a strong case.
I have also come to know that at first when someone wanted to register a .web they were billed for it and like anything some didn't pay and eventually that policy was changed although I don't know when.
I paid my money just like everyone else who could have found this registry anytime they felt like it, as I stated earlier I happened upon it just recently and why should I give up what I legally paid for?
These in my opinion are not "pre-registrations" as some would like to have people believe. When I think of pre-registrations I think about what I have learned over the last month in regard to 1997 and the anticipation of new domains where there were numerous places taking or a better word stealing peoples money for "pre-registrations" and maybe they might have a domain and of course in the end they recieved nothing. Where are all these registars now?
The fact is from my research  IOD has been accessible from the very begining and has fought obvious powerful intrests  afraid of .web which is competetive and offers consumer choice.
On a final note about trademark/business and the disgraceful abuse at times because of the unrefined and hastily drawn Cybersquatting bill.
The way I see it is this back in the old days I guess you might call them, before the CS bill, to go out and take a trademarked name, I say this with the exclusion of dictionary words as I believe that to be another area. If someone registered Honda for example and hold the company hostage you could say that is morally wrong and I think it is, the problem was legally there was no flat law against it however each case brought to the courts could be judged on there own merits.
Now we really are in a new age, and find the Internet has basically gone mainstream. Now the trademark lobby has done a smash up job of  using fear to have us believe that this will happen all over again, it's different now Im willing to bet that 95% of what happened before won't happen again because of the Cybersquatting bill and the publicity surrounding all of this, most people are law abiding and don't need the headache. Certainly there will be cases that is to be expected, either through ssomeone making a mistake or those who feel they have rights and will fight for them. The fact is times are different now but the trademark will have you think otherwise and my judgement of the real reason is a question of competetion. If you have three choices to buy as an example "Widgets" and the best players are .com .net and .org as a Business owner of one of those Do you really want to have to compete with perhaps Widgets.web etc etc... That ladies and gentleman is the true reason! and we all know it's wrong. I personally feel you could have 100 new TLD's and still each person with Widget.*** would be able to have a good business but who wants to be able if at all to compete with getting because we have no choice.


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