Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2011-01-25 - Approval of Proposed Bylaws Amendment to Create a Non-Voting Chair-Elect to the Nominating Committee

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2011-01-25 - Approval of Proposed Bylaws Amendment to Create a Non-Voting Chair-Elect to the Nominating Committee

Resolution of the ICANN Board
Approval Of Proposed Bylaws Amendments To Create Non-Voting Chair-Elect To Nominating Committee

Board approves Bylaws amendments regarding composition of Nominating Committee and directs staff to work with SIC to prepare for implementation for the 2013 Committee.

Meeting Date: 
Tue, 25 Jan 2011
Resolution Number: 
Implementation Actions: 
  • Prepare for implementation of new provisions to be effective for the 2013 Nominating Committee.
    • Responsible entity: Staff, working with SIC
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: Completed
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, Article VII, Section 2 and 3 of the Bylaws govern the composition of the Nominating Committee (NomCom) and the terms of the NomCom members.

Whereas, in its final report published 29 January 2010 http://www.icann.org/en/reviews/nomcom/nomcom-review-finalization-wg-final-report-29jan10-en.pdf, the NomCom Review Finalization Working Group recommended that the Chair of the NomCom be elected one year in advance, requiring changes to the ICANN Bylaws in Article VII, Section 2 and 3 at http://www.icann.org/en/general/bylaws.htm#VII.

Whereas, on 12 March 2010, the Board received the NomCom Review final report and directed the Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) to identify actions necessary to address the recommendations within the report, at http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-12mar10-en.htm#1.6.

Whereas, the SIC, at its 14 October 2010 meeting, recommended that the Bylaws should be amended to achieve the recommendation of the NomCom Review Finalization Working Group by electing the NomCom Chair one year in advance, while also highlighting that the related Bylaws amendments must incorporate appropriate flexibility for the Board.

Whereas, the Board, at its 28 October 2010 meeting, resolved that the proposed Bylaws amendments should be posted for public comments.

Whereas, the proposed Bylaws amendments, see http://www.icann.org/en/general/proposed-bylaws-revision-vii-10nov10-en.pdf, were posted for public comments from 10 November to 10 December 2010 and this period elapsed without any comments being received.

RESOLVED (2011.01.25.11), the Board approves the proposed Bylaws amendments and directs staff to work with the Structural Improvements Committee to prepare for implementation of the new provisions to be effective for the 2013 Nominating Committee.

Rationale for Resolution: 

The Bylaws amendments proposed will have the purpose of achieving the recommendation of the NomCom Review Finalization Working Group by designating the NomCom Chair one year in advance, while preserving appropriate flexibility for the Board to review the candidate for the Chair.

As no public comments have been received indicating that this would not be a positive change regarding the Nominating Committee and its processes. The budgetary impact of this is neutral, as the transition from the non-voting advisor to the Chair to the Chair-Elect does not represent a change in the number of Nominating Committee members supported through the budget for the Nominating Committee.

Additional Information: 
  • SIC Meeting minutes discussing amendments are available at: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-bsic-14oct10-en.htm .
  • The Board Governance Committee, responsible for making recommendations of NomCom leadership to the Board, completed its first recommendation to the Board of a Chair and Chair-elect for the 2011-2012 Nominating Committee, in advance of the deadline imposed within the Resolution.
  • ICANN Bylaws incorporating these amendments in Art VII, Sections 2 and 3, are available at: http://www.icann.org/en/general/bylaws.htm#VII .
  • The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.