Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2007-12-18 - Discussion of ICANN Strategic Plan July 2008 - June 2011

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2007-12-18 - Discussion of ICANN Strategic Plan July 2008 - June 2011

Resolution of the ICANN Board
Discussion of ICANN's Strategic Plan July 2008-June 2011

Board approves the July 2008- June 2011 Strategic Plan, and directs the President and staff to move forward with the community-based operational planning process based on the strategic objectives as set forth in the plan.

Administration and Budget
Meeting Date: 
Tue, 18 Dec 2007
Resolution Number: 
Overtaken By Events
Implementation Actions: 
  • Move forward with the community-based operational planning process based on the strategic objectives as set forth in the plan.
    • Responsible entity: President and staff
    • Due date: Ongoing
    • Completion date: Overtaken by approval of 2010-2013 Strategic Plan
Resolution Text: 

The Chair congratulated Doug Brent, the ICANN Management Team and ICANN Staff on the development of the strategic plan. Doug Brent advised that a three year process was commenced in San Juan, and continued through with a draft issues paper that was posted in six languages, feedback was sought from the community, and is now back with the Board for a decision. Comments previously received by the Board have been accommodated, for example focus more on outcomes and an effort has been made to do that. The Plan has been reformatted to make it more accessible.

The Chair noted comments from Raimundo Beca and Dennis Jennings will be taken into account and included in the Plan. He asked the Board to approve the Plan subject to the latest contributions. There were additional comments referenced from emails from Harald Alvestrand and supported by Susan Crawford, regarding approving this version but reviewing again in six months, as scheduled. The Chair noted that with reference to the mechanism for spilling the Board, and compensating the board, he understood from Doug that this discussion would best be included in the accountability framework principles.

Dennis Jennings moved and Jean-Jacques Subrenat seconded the following resolution:

Whereas, ICANN's July 2008 through June 2011 Strategic Plan is based on consultation with the community through workshops held in multiple languages at ICANN meetings, through Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees and through public forums on the ICANN website.

Whereas, the 2008-2011 Strategic Plan gives a brief description of the environment that ICANN is likely to face in the next years and outlines eight strategic objectives for the ICANN community.

Whereas, the strategic objectives in the plan will form the framework around which the July 2008 through June 2009 Operational Plan and the associated budget are constructed.

Whereas, members of the community have been very generous with their time and the Board appreciates the work that they have done.

Resolved (07.___), the Board approves the July 2008- June 2011 Strategic Plan, and directs the President and staff to move forward with the community-based operational planning process based on the strategic objectives as set forth in the plan.

A voice vote was taken of all Board Members present and all Board Members present approved the motion unanimously by a vote of 14 to 0.

Additional Information: