Historical Resolution Tracking Feature » 2006-08-15 - Binding of Workers Compensation Insurance Proposal and Payment of Fees

Important note: The explanatory text provided through this database (including the summary, implementation actions, identification of related resolutions, and additional information) is an interpretation or an explanation that has no official authority and does not represent the purpose behind the Board actions, nor does any explanations or interpretations modify or override the Resolutions themselves. Resolutions can only be modified through further act of the ICANN Board.

2006-08-15 - Binding of Workers Compensation Insurance Proposal and Payment of Fees

Resolution of the ICANN Board
Workers Compensation Insurance

Board authorizes President to secure Workers Compensation Insurance under the specified proposal.

Administration and Budget
Meeting Date: 
Tue, 15 Aug 2006
Resolution Number: 
Implementation Actions: 
  • Secure Workers Compensation Insurance coverage.
    • Responsible entity: President
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: 2006
Resolution Text: 

Whereas, ICANN is required to carry workers compensation insurance coverage for its employees based in the United States.

Whereas, Everett National has provided a proposal for insurance for the ensuing twelve-month period that meets the requirements of the organization. Whereas, Everett National satisfactorily provided coverage to ICANN for the previous year.

Whereas, the General Manager, Conferences, Administration & Finance and the Chief Financial Officer have reviewed the proposal and determined that it is proper and recommend it be bound and the obligation paid.

Resolved (06.__), the President is authorized to instruct Chapman & Associates to bind the proposal received from Everest National for workers compensation coverage for the upcoming year and to make payment to Everett National in the amount of US $52,757.00 as called for in the proposal.

Additional Information: 
  • Funding addressed in resolution.